Earth and Environmental Sciences (EESC)

EESC 503 Field Studies in Geoscience (3 Credits)

Extended study trips to selected locations. Variable credit.

EESC 504 Common Ground New Jersey Environmental Ed Seminar for Teachers (2 Credits)

EESC 510 Elementary School Science Workshop (3 Credits)

EESC 512 Wildlife in Winter (1 Credit)

EESC 513 PEEC Birding Tours II (1 Credit)

EESC 514 Breeding Birds of the Poconos (1 Credit)

EESC 520 Forensic Science (3 Credits)

This course focuses on the application of scientific principles and techniques to legal matters especially as it relates to the collection, examination, and analysis of physical evidence more especifically the analysis and identification of earth materials.

EESC 522 In Search of Eagles (1 Credit)

EESC 523 Natural History of the Poconos (1 Credit)

EESC 524 Critical Issues of the Environment Seminar for New Jersey Teachers (2 Credits)

EESC 526 Bird Watching for Beginners (1 Credit)

EESC 527 Warblers on the Wing Pt I (1 Credit)

EESC 528 Warblers on the Wing Pt.2 (1 Credit)

EESC 529 Reptiles Amphib Anthropods (1 Credit)

EESC 530 First Birds of Spring (1 Credit)

EESC 540 Geology of New Jersey (3 Credits)

This course studies the geological features of New Jersey. Topics include the state's geologic history, physiography and economic earth resources including water resources and waste management. An investigative course of geological and fossil aspects of New Jersey's geologic history as developed through the use of rock and fossil evidence and the principles of stratigraphy, geochronology, and geologic structures. Collecting and identifying fossils, minerals and rocks will be a major part of the course. All field trips are REQUIRED. Taught in the summer session.

UG Pre-Requisite(s): EESC 112

EESC 550 Geology of National Parks (4 Credits)

The course explores the geologic framework that underlie the geologic processes and principals of mountain building, volcanism, stream erosion, glacial and shoreline processes and explains the geological history and features of selected National Parks, Monuments and National Seashores. Lecture course supplemented with an 8 to 10 day field trip to localites of interest. Taught in the Summer.

Pre-Requisite(s): EESC 112

EESC 600 Basic Concpts of Astronomy (3.00 Credits)

EESC 602 Experimental Applications in Geology (3 Credits)

EESC 603 Principles Of Earth Science (3 Credits)

A brief interdisciplinary consideration of the major areas of Geoscience. May not be counted toward the major or minor in Geoscience/Geography. For education graduate students.

EESC 621 NJ Critical Env.Issues/Tchrs. (3 Credits)

Develop a unit plan with appropriate objectives, learning strategies, and activities that addresses a specific topic in the seminar (e.g. wetlands, solid waste, energy, etc.). Lessons should include participatory, hands-on activities. For eduction graduate students.

EESC 623 Common Ground: New Jersey Environmental Education Seminar for Teachers (3 Credits)

EESC 631 Principles of Oceanography (3 Credits)

EESC 650 Introduction to GIS (GIS I) (3 Credits)

Geographic Information System (GIS) computer technology enhances problem-solving and research activities in many disciplines (e.g., business/marketing, health scince, criminal justice, planning) by automating data collection and analysis processes. Graduate students will learn, through hands-on use, how to use GIS for data collection, analysis, and decision-making.