History (HIST)

HIST 1XX History Transfer Credit (0 Credits)

HIST 2XX History Transfer Credit (0 Credits)

HIST 114 Immigration In American History (3 Credits)

This course is a study and analysis of the impact of immigration on the development of the modern US. The experiences and contributions of immigrant/ethnic groups will be stressed. (Cross listed with Ethnic and Immigration Studies.)

HIST 115 The Asian-American Experience (3 Credits)

This introductory survey deals with Asian-Americans, particularly immigration and countries of origin; problems encountered; integration into the broader American society; relations with other ethnic groups; achievements and aspirations. (Cross listed with Ethnic and Immigration Studies.)

HIST 131 Metropolitan New York (3 Credits)

This course examines the history of NYC and its surroundings, beginning with Native Americans and ending with 9/11. Focusing on topography, trade, and transit, this history course challenges students to think regionally using G.I.S. software. Students will engage with rich primary sources representing women, Native-Americans, African-Americans, immigrants, and many others.

HIST 133 Cranks, Critics, and Communards (3 Credits)

This course looks at various efforts to create and live the perfect life. Were the people behind these efforts cranks and weirdos? Absolutely. But their nonconformity and critique of materialism gives us a chance to reflect on what it means to be happy and live on one's own terms.

HIST 150 American History to 1865 (3 Credits)

This course is a study of the United States from colonization through the Civil War period emphasizing the diplomatic, political, economic and social achievements of each. (Cross-listed with Political-Science.)

HIST 152 American History since 1865 (3 Credits)

As a continuation of American History to 1865, this course looks at the United States from the post-Civil War period to the present day emphasizing political, economic and social developments. (HIST 150 is not a pre-requisite for HIST 152.)

HIST 154 U.S. Women's History (3 Credits)

The role and status of women in U.S. society from the colonial period to the current women's movement, with the emphasis on women's contributions to and participation in the various national social institutions is studied in this course. (Cross-listed with Women's and Gender Studies.)

HIST 156 Western Civilization 1648 (3 Credits)

This course surveys major topics in western civilization from the fall of the Western Roman Empire to the Treaties of Westphalia. Readings from original documents are also utilized.

HIST 160 Europe in the 20th Century (3 Credits)

Aspects of European history from 1648 to the outbreak of World War I, especially as they relate to the "Westernization" of the world are examined in this course. Particular emphasis is placed on the scientific, intellectual, industrial and political revolutions. (Cross-listed with Political Science)

HIST 162 Introduction to Latin American Civilization (3 Credits)

This course offers a survey of the colonial and national periods in Spanish America and Brazil. Also studied are Indigenous civilizations, their overthrow by conquest, the rise of new economies, the wars of liberalization, the civil wars and the problems of modernization. (Cross-listed with Latin American, Caribbean and Latino)

HIST 164 Introduction to African Civilizations (3 Credits)

A survey of the vast mosaic of African civilizations of Ancient Egypt and the Sudan as well as sub-Saharan Africa is presented in this course. Special emphasis is placed on those aspects of African Civilizations that have had the greatest effects on modern Africa and the larger world. (Cross-listed with AFRO 164)

HIST 166 Introduction to East Asian Civilizations (3 Credits)

This course is a survey of some of the major historical and cultural developments in East Asia. The focus is on China and its influence on as Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia.

HIST 168 Middle East, Past and Present (3 Credits)

A cultural, political and historical approach is used to explore this vital region. Topics include selected ancient civilizations, the Byzantine period, the rise of Islam, and specific studies of modern Turkey, Iran, Israel and Egypt.

HIST 202 Renaissance and Reformation (3 Credits)

The beginning of modern Western civilization as seen in such developments as recovery of classical culture, the crisis of the church, the establishment of nation-states, and the origins of modern science.

HIST 203 History through Film (3 Credits)

A selected - topics approach to studying history utilizing the visual in the form of film as the primary medium is used in this course. The historic content of feature films, documentaries, newsreels and videotapes are subjected to criticism and methodology.

HIST 205 Ancient Civilizations (3 Credits)

A selective coverage of those ancient civilizations that have had the greatest influence on the development of Western and modern world civilization - including Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece and Rome - is offered in this course.

HIST 209 History of Punishment (3 Credits)

Against its European background this course examines the changing nature of crime and punishment from colonial America to the present. Special emphasis is on penal institutions and the effect of environment upon personality.

HIST 211 American Military History (3 Credits)

The American military experience from the colonial period to the present is studied in this course. Emphasis is placed on the changing relationship between military policy, organization and technology and the nation's political, social and economic institution.

HIST 212 History of New Jersey (3 Credits)

The History of New Jersey is a survey of the history of the state and its people from the colonial era to the present. Political, economic and social events of the state are emphasized as well as its development.

HIST 213 Select Topic in American History: (3 Credits)

In this course, students will look at American history through a specific thematic lens. In the past, instructors have examined the history of 9/11, American popular culture, and the concept of self-help.

HIST 215 World War II: Pacific and Asia (3 Credits)

This course is a survey of World War II with emphasis on the war between the United States and Japan. Political, diplomatic, and military events are emphasized in conjunction with important social topics such as the American homefront, the role of minorities and women, and the use of nuclear weapons.

HIST 216 World War II: Europe (3 Credits)

World War II: Europe and North Africa is a survey of World War II with emphasis on the involvement of the United States, total war and the Holocaust. Political, diplomatic and military events will be emphasized in conjunction with important social topics such as the American homefront, the role of minorities and women.

HIST 225 Introduction to Public History (3 Credits)

How do academic historians reach the broader public? How successful are their efforts? What goes into creating museum exhibits? This course addresses these questions. It blends traditional lecture and discussion with an experiential component, providing students with a hands-on opportunity to create their own museum - quality exhibit.

Pre-Requisite(s): Declared History Major/Minor +9 credits of history courses

HIST 229 The Long 1960s: A History (3 Credits)

In this course students will engage with the turbulent history of the long 1960s, beginning with the Cuban Revolution and JFK, and concluding with Richard Nixon and America's failure in Vietnam. Students will analyze the Civil Rights movement, counterculture, environmentalism, popular culture, politics, youth protest, women's history, and lesbian/gay history.

HIST 231 The US in the World (3 Credits)

What happens in the United States affects people, governments and institutions outside the nation. The reverse is also true. This course explores the value of a global approach to US history, especially in terms of political democracy, capitalism, and human rights.

HIST 233 World History: 1400 CE to Present (3 Credits)

This course explores globalization as a cultural interchange subject to divergence, convergence, contagion, and systemization. Students will build empathy skills and detect biases in sources through close reading of sources and historical inquiry. The subject matter of the course will balance regional developments in the “Global South” (Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia) with events in Europe and North America. In emphasizing the interconnected of these places, students will gain greater understanding of the historical processes behind the creation of the contemporary world.

HIST 245 Cities in History (3 Credits)

In this course students will analyze case studies of ancient, Greek and Roman, medieval, renaissance, imperial, industrial and global cities. Spanning continents and centuries, and case-study cities correlating to the instructor's expertise, this course helps students explore city influence through natural resources, cultural and political imperialism, economics, and natural disasters.

HIST 255 The Emergence of Modern Europe (3 Credits)

This course is an examination of European history from 1648 through World War I with particular emphasis on revolutionary changes in politics, science, intellectual currents and industry. The "isms" of the nineteenth century, liberalism, socialism, feminism, nationalism and imperialism will be considered.

HIST 305 Civil War and Reconstruction (3 Credits)

A topical approach is used not only to understand the main developments of these significant US historic events but also to comprehend their larger role in shaping subsequent US History, socially, politically, and economically.

HIST 307 History of Modern Russia (3 Credits)

In this survey of Russian history from Tsar Alexander I (1801-1825) to the present, continuity and changes between the Tsarist autocratic and the Soviet totalitarian systems are examined and analyzed as well as selected political, cultural, socio-economic and intellectual themes.

HIST 308 The West in American History (3 Credits)

This course is a study of the more important political, social and cultural developments in US history that had their primary origins in the American west, especially the frontier. Emphasis is on those values and traditions that have become part of American culture.

HIST 309 History of Modern France (3 Credits)

A cultural and political approach is used to study the main themes of French history from the accession of Francis I (1515) to the suppression of the Commune (1871)—the period of the zenith of French power and influence.

HIST 310 Diplomatic History of the United States (3 Credits)

This course presents a topical and chronological examination of US diplomacy from the early Federalist period to the present, stressing such aspects that have affected the transition of the US from a regional to a global power.

HIST 311 History of Modern Germany (3 Credits)

This course offers an in-depth coverage of less than century of German history - a century that has changed the course of Western and world history: from the beginning of the movement toward national unity in 1848 to the collapse of Hitler's "Thousand Year Empire" in 1945.

HIST 312 Political Dissent in Modern America (3 Credits)

This comparative study explores some of the more vocal and even violent voices and movements of dissent in the US largely from the post-Civil War period - ranging from the far right to the far left. Extensive videotapes and speakers are used in this course.

HIST 313 Urban America: The City in American History (3 Credits)

A historical examination of the rise of the City in the United States, from the infant cities of the seventeenth century to the metropolis of the present.

HIST 316 American Sports History (3 Credits)

An examination of the origins, development and changing nature of contemporary American sports, including the roles of violence, the fan, commercialism, ethics, amateurism, and professionalism is presented in this course. (Cross-listed with Sports and Leisure Studies)

HIST 318 History and Culture: Cuba and Puerto Rico (3 Credits)

A survey approach to the histories and cultures of these two Caribbean states from their establishment as colonies to their present-day status. Particular emphasis will be placed on the role of great power and imperialism and their development. (Cross-listed with Latin American Studies).

HIST 319 Presidential Elections (3 Credits)

This course is offered on a rotation basis coinciding with the election of the U.S. President. Included is background history with the role of the Electoral College, the development of parties, the influence of pressure groups and partisan politics.

HIST 321 Colonial America (1550-1789) (3 Credits)

This survey explores the major political, social, economic, and intellectual developments in America from the early colonial settlements through the making of the Constitution. The emphasis is on formative institutions.

HIST 322 Early America (3 Credits)

This course surveys the early national period from the launching of the new nation under the 1789 Constitution through the Age of Jackson. The emphasis is placed on the beginnings of American politics, diplomacy, social reforms and westward movement.

HIST 323 American Industry and Empire (3 Credits)

This course examines the turbulent and productive period from the end of the Civil War through World War I -a period which shaped much of the modern American ideology.

HIST 324 Twentieth Century America (1945 to Present) (3 Credits)

This is a survey of postwar American history, including the Cold War, the 1960s, the Civil Rights movement and political developments of the mid and late twentieth century.

HIST 326 The Age of Jackson (3 Credits)

This course will examine the political, social, and economic changes that took place during the presidency of Andrew Jackson.

HIST 329 Progressivism (3 Credits)

Study and critical analysis of the political, economic, social, and religious developments in the US from the post-Civil War period to World War I, such as populism, social gospel, social Darwinism, university settlement movement, suffrage movement and progressive reform.

HIST 330 Early England (3 Credits)

This course is a study of England from the time of the Celts to the War of the Roses; Medieval England will be emphasized. Political, social, and cultural themes will be examined through the lens of primary sources.

HIST 331 History of the Dominican Republic (3 Credits)

The course will examine the historical development of the Dominican Republic and its neighbor Haiti from the Pre-Columbian era to the 21st century; focus will be on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Emphasis will be placed on European colonialism, slavery, United States' intervention and the rise of dictatorship.

HIST 332 History of Modern England (3 Credits)

The significance of the political, social, and cultural factors that have shaped English society and character in its transformation to an industrial democracy are is studied.

HIST 333 The History of Mexico (3 Credits)

Through this course students will gain an appreciation of the development of Mexican society. It challenges simplistic concepts of Mexico, analyzing diverse influences and sources of society, including indigenous cultures; Spanish colonialism; enslaved Africans and their descendants; and European immigrants. It will look at Mexico's relationship with the United States.

HIST 335 Modern India (3 Credits)

This course looks at major themes in Indian history from British colonialism in the 19th century to the reemergence of India as a global player in the 21st century.

HIST 338 History of Ireland (3 Credits)

This course will analyze the major political, social, economic, and cultural movements of Ireland from the medieval period to the Twentieth Century.

HIST 345 Comparative Histories of Slavery in the Americas (3 Credits)

The course will examine the historical development of the institution of slavery in the Western Hemisphere from the Conquest until abolition in the late nineteenth century. Emphasis will be placed on variants of the institution among European colonies and the southern United States.

HIST 346 The Historian's Craft (3 Credits)

This course is required for all history majors. In it, students will sharpen their information literacy skills, hone research and writing abilities, and gain insight into some of the major historiographical debates that have had a profound influence on the shaping of the discipline.

Pre-Requisite(s): 9.0 credit hours of History courses

HIST 347 Making History (3 Credits)

Despite claims we live in an era of historical amnesia, attendance at museums and other historical sites has never been higher. This course covers the theory and practice of public history. It features a class project in which you will work with your colleagues to create a public history exhibit.

Pre-Requisite(s): 8 Gen Ed Courses across Tier 1 and Tier 2.

HIST 350 Making of the Middle Ages (3 Credits)

A study of the political, social, religious, intellectual and economic currents from the fall of Rome to the developed civilization of the High Middle Ages. Examined will be the conflict of cultures and the blending of the Roman heritage, Christianity and Germanic institutions into medieval civilization.

HIST 357 The Ottoman Empire (3 Credits)

This course explores the rich history, folklore, and culture of one of the world's largest and most influential empires. The course begins on the Central Asian steppe with the conversion of Turkic pastoralists to Islam and ends with the collapse of the empire at the end of World War I.

HIST 359 The Silk Road (3 Credits)

This course explores pre-modern globalization to 1500 CE by studying conquest and cultural exchange across the trade corridors of Eurasia. The effects of such trade were as much regional and local as intercontinental. Main themes include the interaction of nomadic and sedentary peoples, the spread of religions, and syncretism.

HIST 361 The Culture of the European Enlightenment (3 Credits)

This course addresses the revolutionary 18th century Enlightenment from Rousseau in France to Catherine the Great in Russia. Students will evaluate the Republic of Letters, the literary underground, and the Rococo as conduits of reason, reform, and freedom. This course will elucidate how philosophes questioned authority through print and image.

HIST 363 Medieval Heritage (3 Credits)

This course explores the political, social, economic, and intellectual developments of Europe between 1050 and 1350. Topics include the emergence of national monarchies, the crisis of church and state, the crusades, and the evolution of the university.

HIST 364 Medieval Spains (3 Credits)

This course examines the history of Iberia from the Roman conquest to the reigns of Isabel and Fernando. Readings will focus on the interrelationships of Christians, Jews and Muslims, and the role of the frontier.

HIST 365 Boom and Bust, The US:1870-1940 (3 Credits)

This course examines the major economic changes that took place in American history from the rise of the modern corporation through the Great Depression. Students will not only learn about how and why these economic changes occurred, but the impact that they had on American society at all levels.

HIST 376 The Twentieth Century Middle East (3 Credits)

This course examines how Middle Eastern societies adapted to social, economic, and political changes from the Young Turk Revolution of 1908 to the Arab Spring. Major topics include World War I, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Pan-Arabism, the Iranian Revolution, political Islamism, and developments in literature, law, art, and family life.

HIST 401 Intellectual History of US (3 Credits)

This course examines the values, institutions, ideas, and ideals held by the American people from the colonial period to the present. Recommended: Two previous courses in US History.

HIST 402 America Social History (3 Credits)

An interdisciplinary exploration of selected themes in U.S. social history such as religious experience as social phenomenon; patterns of political leadership in a democracy; the changing role of women and the family; the development of social structure and modes of response to racial and ethnic diversity.

HIST 418 Capstone Seminar (3 Credits)

An introduction to historiography, techniques of historical research and writing. Major historians of the West will be studied as well as the nature of historical change and recurrent problems of historical meaning and knowledge.

Pre-Requisite(s): Instructor's Permission