Interdisciplinary Studies (INTD)

INTD 1XX Interdisciplinary Studies Transfer Credit (0 Credits)

INTD 2XX Interdisciplinary Studies Transfer Credit (0 Credits)

INTD 91 Reading and Writing across the Disciplines II (2 Credits)

An extension of RWAD I, RWAD II is designed for students who enter the university needing developmental work in reading and writing. Students whose placement scores indicate that they have passed RWAD I but are not yet eligible for English Composition I are required to take this basic skills-building course.

Pre-Requisite(s): INTD 90 Reading & Writing Across Disciplines

INTD 105 Reading & Writing Across Disciplines (2 Credits)

Reading and Writing Across the Disciplines (RWAD) is designed for students who enter the University in need of developmental work in reading and writing. Students whose Reading placement scores require them to take Reading for College and whose English placement scores indicate that they are not yet eligible for English Composition I are eligible to take this basic skills-building course.

INTD 106 Reading and Writing across the Disciplines II (2 Credits)

An extension of RWAD I, RWAD II is designed for students who enter the university needing developmental work in reading and writing. Students whose placement scores indicate that they have passed RWAD I but are not yet eligible for English Composition I are required to take this basic skills-building course.

Pre-Requisite(s): INTD 105 Reading & Writing Across Disciplines

INTD 120 Computer as a Tool (1 Credit)

All incoming students are required to demonstrate a basic, introductory level knowledge of the computer. This can be accomplished by passing a challenge exam, or taking this Computer as a Tool. This course is designed to present an overview of the capabilities of the computer and those applications with the most direct impact on the student's college experience. The following topics will be covered: word processing as an aid in writing; data bases and their uses; computer graphics generation and its use in graphic art and business, and the computer as a tutor/alternative tool for learning.

INTD 121 Computer as a Tool -English as a Second Language (2 Credits)

This two credit course is designed to: 1) present an overview of the personal computer, 2) familiarize students with current versions of various software applications such as Microsoft Works, Netscape Navigator, and Eudora; and 3) introduce the Internet, e-mail, and the World Wide Web (the Web). The course helps English as a Second Language students develop their own overall language skills (reading, listening, writing and speaking) so they can function in an academic environment. Word processing, database, spreadsheet, e-mail and the Web are all covered in this course.

INTD 131 Career Directions in STEM (1 Credit)

This course guides students to develop skills necessary to successfully find a career in the STEM fields. It enables students to explore available resources and design a personal career plan. The course is part of a ten week summer program designed to improve STEM student outcomes.

Pre-Requisite(s): ENGL 101

INTD 149 Human & Intercultural Relations (3 Credits)

This course explores the intersections of race, class, gender, sexuality, and (dis)ability across the disciplines and boundaries of societies and cultures. Students are introduced to theories of social constructionism and biological essentialism along with analyses of power, privilege, and structures of domination and exploitation. This course can be taken towards satisfying the Area E General Studies requirement.

INTD 180 Computer Tools For Science and Mathematics (3 Credits)

This course offers an introduction to the use of such applications as Derive, Converge, Geometer’s Sketchpad, Matlab, Maple, Scientific Workplace, and Microsoft Office. Students majoring in mathematics or the natural sciences should consult their departments to determine if this course is required or recommended for their degree track. Note: This course does not substitute for INTD 120 Computer as a Tool.

INTD 200 Scuba - Advanced Open Water (1 Credit)

INTD 204 Science Literature and Writing (3 Credits)

This course provides students with the opportunity to analyze a broad spectrum of scientific writings and to examine the social, literary, and historical impact of major scientific concepts. Students will become familiar with the subject matter and formal conventions of behavioral and physical scientific writing and also of that scientific writing that in part derives from and influences the humanities. Students will then apply this knowledge to scientific writing of their own, in each of the three major categories.

Pre-Requisite(s): ENGL 102

INTD 210 Intro Marine Science (Ocean) (4 Credits)

INTD 211 Introduction to Marine Biology (4 Credits)

INTD 215 Marine & Environmental Chem (4 Credits)

INTD 219 Marine Ecology (4 Credits)

INTD 260 Intro Coastal Geology (4 Credits)

INTD 265 Topics in Public Policy (3 Credits)

This seminar addresses contemporary issues in public policy engaging interdisciplinary perspectives from both within and outside the social sciences.

INTD 400 International Education (16 Credits)

Study abroad program.

INTD 401 International Education (12 Credits)

Study abroad program with "provider". Billing units set to "0" at NJCU. Student pays provider. As of 12/17/2013, it was agreed that billing units will no longer be changed to "0".

INTD 402 International Education (12 Credits)

Holding course for exchange students visiting from China.

INTD 410 Seashore Ornithology (1 Credit)

INTD 411 Seashore Ornithology (2 Credits)

INTD 415 Mangement of Marine Resources (1 Credit)

INTD 423 Marine Pollution & Solutions (1 Credit)

INTD 425 Toxic Substances In Marine Env (1 Credit)

INTD 431 Mgmt Coast Resources:Coas Zone (1 Credit)

INTD 435 Marine Fossils of the New Jersey Coastal Plain (1 Credit)

INTD 437 Marine Paleoecology (1 Credit)

INTD 450 Ind Study Marine Sci (4 Credits)

INTD 460 Seashore Entomology (2 Credits)

INTD 461 Marsh & Dune Vegetation (2 Credits)

INTD 462 Fld Meth-Instrum & Tech (2 Credits)

INTD 502 Marine Pollution and Solutions (1 Credit)

INTD 512 American Public Administration (3 Credits)

This course is about the bureaucratic process and the implementation of public policy. Students will study the operations of the executive branch of government, specifically those who work behind the scenes to implement the policies and administer the programs that Congress passes. They will explore the relationship between civil servants and elected public officials, the structure of public organization, and the meaning of Congressional oversight. Students will study the politics of the administrative state and the constraints that both politics and constitutional structure impose on the administrative state, and will come to understand that it is through administration that ordinary citizens come into contact with their government on a daily basis.

INTD 513 The American Welfare State (3 Credits)

This course will explore the historical development, political theories, economics, and policies of the American welfare state. While the concept of welfare is often associated with assistance programs intended to benefit the dependent poor, the welfare state is considerably larger. Our task is to understand the welfare state as a larger framework whose task is the well being of all citizens, i.e. policies that promote the general welfare. While we will certainly pay attention to issues of poverty and public assistance programs, our focus will by no means be restricted to them. Rather we want to explore the welfare state in its broadest terms, which would include general employment policies, education, child care and health care.

INTD 516 Humanities Institute (3 Credits)

INTD 517 Gender Issues in Education (3 Credits)

INTD 521 Marine Invert.Zoology Anth. (1 Credit)

INTD 571 Field Methods In Marine Science-Ge (1 Credit)

INTD 573 Field Methods Marine Science-Biology (1 Credit)

INTD 1107 Physics In The Arts And Media (3 Credits)

INTD 1270 Guided Study Marine Sciences (1 Credit)

INTD 1400 International Education (6 Credits)

INTD 1401 International Education (6 Credits)

Study abroad with an affiliation agreement (provider) Credit units set to "0". As of 12/17/2013, it was agreed that billing units will no longer be changed to "0".

INTD 1405 International Education (5 Credits)

INTD 1407 International Education (7 Credits)

INTD 1410 International Education (10 Credits)

Study abroad program.

INTD 1420 Marine Science Education (2 Credits)

INTD 1450 Ind Study Marine Sci (3 Credits)

INTD 1470 Fld Meth Marine Sci-Biology (1 Credit)

INTD 1475 Aquiculture/Financial Mgmt. (1 Credit)

INTD 2105 Basic Scuba-Pad/Naui Cert (1 Credit)

INTD 2270 Guided Study Marine Sciences (2 Credits)

INTD 2400 International Education (1 Credit)

INTD 2401 International education (2 Credits)

Going with Provider.

INTD 2450 Ind Study Marine Sci (2 Credits)

INTD 2460 Marine Invert Zoology Mollusca (1 Credit)

INTD 2470 Fld Meth Marine Sci-Chemical (1 Credit)

INTD 2475 Aquiculture/Fin Fish (1 Credit)

INTD 3270 Guided Study Marine Sciences (3 Credits)

INTD 3400 International Education (3 Credits)

INTD 3401 International Education (3 Credits)

Study abroad program with "provider". Billing units set to "0" at NJCU. Student pays provider. As of 12/17/2013, it was agreed that billing units will no longer be changed to "0".

INTD 3450 Ind Study Marine Sci (1 Credit)

INTD 3460 Marine Invert Zoology Arthropo (1 Credit)

INTD 3470 Fld Meth Marine Sci-Physical (1 Credit)

INTD 3475 Aquiculture/Shell Fish & Crust (1 Credit)

INTD 4270 Guided Study Marine Sciences (4 Credits)

INTD 4400 International Education (13 Credits)

INTD 4401 International Education (4 Credits)

Study abroad program with "provider". On 12/17/13, it was agreed that billing units will no longer be changed to "0".

INTD 4470 Fld Meth Marine Sci-Geological (1 Credit)

INTD 4475 Aquiculture/Water Qual/Pond Ec (1 Credit)

INTD 5400 International Education (15 Credits)

INTD 5401 International Education (1 Credit)

Study abroad program with "provider". Billing units set to "0" at NJCU. Student pays provider. As of 12/17/2013, it was agreed that billing units will no longer be changed to "0".

INTD 6400 International Education (12 Credits)

INTD 7400 International Education (9 Credits)

INTD 8400 International Education (2 Credits)

INTD 9400 International Education (11 Credits)

INTD 9401 International Education (9 Credits)

Study abroad program with "provider". Billing units set to "0" at NJCU. Student pays provider. As of 12/17/2013, it was agreed that billing units will no longer be changed to "0".