Sociology (SOCI)

SOCI 1XX Sociology Transfer Credit (0 Credits)

SOCI 2XX Sociology Transfer Credit (0 Credits)

SOCI 106 Social Problems (3 Credits)

This course studies contemporary social problems such as inequality racism, sexism, corporate/governmental power and crime. The underlying social factors in these problems are stressed.

SOCI 109 The Changing Family (3 Credits)

This course applies a sociological perspective toward understanding the historical and contemporary functions and transformation of the family. It examines the current state of American families, addressing issues of cohabitation, divorce, same-sex marriage, and the rising number of single person households.

SOCI 110 The City: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (3 Credits)

This course provides students with an overview and introduction to the study of urban communities. Drawing from a variety of academic disciplines (including Economics, Earth and Environmental Sciences, History, Political Science and Sociology) this course addresses past and present challenges faced by cities as they have evolved over time. Students enrolled in the course will be making field trips around the Jersey City-Newark metropolitan region to learn firsthand from urban policy makers and practitioners.

SOCI 111 Principles of Sociology (3 Credits)

This basic course introduces the student to the major concepts, methods, research findings, and theoretical approaches of sociology. The course deals with social organization, functioning, and change.

SOCI 112 Analysis of Social Institutions (3 Credits)

Students learn a sociological approach to analyzing the organization and functioning of a social institution, and intensively study the historical development and contemporary form of selected sectors of society such as religion, education, economy, politics, family, health and welfare, and relationships among these sectors.

SOCI 113 Social Problems (3 Credits)

This course studies contemporary social problems such as inequality racism, sexism, corporate/governmental power and crime. The underlying social factors in these problems are stressed.

SOCI 114 Sociology of the Family (3 Credits)

SOCI 115 Introduction to Anthropology (3 Credits)

This course studies the biological and cultural evolution of mankind--through archeologically derived information as well as observations of contemporary societies.

SOCI 120 Introduction to Aging Studies (3 Credits)

This introductory course is designed to explore the importance of age and aging in individuals and in society. It provides an integrated overview of gerontology--the study of aging. The purpose of this course is to provide a foundation for students who seek careers in the field of gerontology and human services for the aging.

SOCI 121 Sociology of Families (3 Credits)

This course examines the current state of American families and the sociological perspective facing families and the institution of marriage. It also looks at how singles cope with everyday life and alternative life-styles.

SOCI 141 Cultural Anthropology (3 Credits)

This course, emphasizing culture change, introduces the student to basic concepts of cultural anthropology. The ways of life and the worldviews of several societies are studied in depth.

SOCI 143 African-American Families: Past and Present (3 Credits)

This course emphasizes the structure of African American families in American society. African American families are viewed as social systems in contrast with other family and kinship systems.

SOCI 200 Field Internships in Aging (3 Credits)

Designed for students with a concentration in gerontology, this is a one-semester internship in a group, agency or organization that deals with elderly people. Appropriate placements include nursing homes, community centers, senior centers, mental health agencies, nutrition programs and hospitals.

SOCI 201 Women and Family in Different Cultures (3 Credits)

This course examines family structures in selected cultures of the world; their effect on women's roles as wife, mother, daughter, homemaker and worker. The course also considers changes in family life and alternatives to the nuclear family. (Cross-listed with Women's Studies)

SOCI 203 Native People of South America (3 Credits)

SOCI 204 Creative Knowing (3 Credits)

This is an interdisciplinary examination of ancient and contemporary motifs (verbal, visual and conceptual). The course concentrates on the transmission of these motifs as found in the myths, legends and tales of many cultures and academic disciplines.

SOCI 210 Future Society (3 Credits)

This is an examination of those aspects of our present civilization that could have a profound impact on the future of mankind. Consideration is given to written work, which has attempted to give insight into what lies ahead. Students are expected to develop their own hypotheses about future societies with an attempt to anticipate what their subsequent roles in that society might be.

SOCI 221 Human Services in Aging (3 Credits)

This course provides an integrated overview of the needs of the aged and the various services and agencies dealing with the aged, particularly in the urban communities. Topics include the federal, state, local, and neighborhood levels of service, the public and private sectors, the legal and organizational arrangements through which services are provided; and the integration among Service agencies.

SOCI 225 Class, Status and Power (3 Credits)

This course analyzes the extent to which people differ in power, prestige, possessions and life chances. Attention is paid to factors that affect the individual's ability to improve his or her status.

SOCI 230 Cities of Industry: Sociological Perspectives (3 Credits)

This course utilizes sociological perspectives to help students understand the rise, fall, and recent transformation of industrial cities in the New Jersey/New York Metropolitan area. Students will explore the industrial origins of these cities and examine the challenges faced by these cities in the contemporary post-industrial era.

SOCI 232 Sociology of the Aging (3 Credits)

This course examines age as a factor in society. Discussion topics include social changes that affect the aging; problems and issues like health, housing, family relations, activities, and conflicts with other age groups are discussed.

SOCI 233 Introduction to Social Work (3 Credits)

This is an introduction to the theories and practices of social work, community resources and the structure of welfare.

SOCI 234 Social Policy and Welfare (3 Credits)

This course provides students with a basic understanding of the historical development of social welfare policies and programs in the United States. Students explore the values, perceptions, political orientations, and religious beliefs, which have influenced the changing definitions of social problems and the varied treatment of diverse segments of the population during various eras.

SOCI 235 Labor and Society (3 Credits)

The course focuses on the structure of the American occupational system and its relationship to other societal institutions and social movements, as related to the students' occupational expectations. This knowledge is put into practical use by field research assignments, which empirically expose the student to the methods and problems of combining his/her college education with the marketplace.

SOCI 237 Refugees and Forced Migration (3 Credits)

The UN counts 51 million refugees and forcibly displaced people in the world, a number that may quadruple by 2050. They flee from war, genocide, gender violence, political and religious persecution, but seldom find a home. This class examines their circumstances, human rights, and the struggle to escape and survive.

SOCI 241 Workshop on the Aging (3 Credits)

This course attempts to apply knowledge of the practices and current procedures offered by expanding programs for the elderly. Services, agencies, and legislation stimulating new support for persistent problems confronting older citizens are examined.

SOCI 243 Death and Dying (3 Credits)

The course examines the varied patterns of beliefs and rituals that have been developed to manage death in the past, the emerging pattern of managing dying and death in contemporary society, and the social forces that are shaping our death beliefs and practices.

SOCI 244 Ethnic Families in America (3 Credits)

This course is designed to explore the general family patterns and relationships of Asian, African, and Latin American and European American families for whom an ethnic culture has important behavioral and social consequences.

SOCI 245 Sociology of Religion (3 Credits)

The social function of religion in society, the interrelationship of religion with other social institutions, social changes affecting religion, and the structure of the major religious bodies is topics of discussion.

SOCI 246 Sociology of Education (3 Credits)

This course examines the structure and function of the learning process. It is a close examination of American educational institutions and the interrelationship of education to the other major institutions. The formal and informal systems are viewed with emphasis on contemporary trends.

SOCI 249 China: Today (3 Credits)

This is an introductory course outlining the culture of modern China. Assigned readings, lectures and class discussions acquaint the student with the life and culture, achievements and problems of China. Audio-visual material enables the student to gain a more intimate understanding of life and society in China today.

SOCI 253 Visual Sociology (3 Credits)

This course focuses on learning to observe and interpret the social meaning of visual evidence. We examine behavior patterns, rituals, design of physical space, clothing, and images used in art and business. The visual methods of sociology and anthropology participant observation, controlled observation, and physical traces are studied.

SOCI 254 Urban Sociology (3 Credits)

This course analyzes the social factors, which shape American cities and metropolitan regions. The student becomes acquainted with methods of research in urban sociology.

SOCI 255 Juvenile Delinquency (3 Credits)

Systematic study of the nature of juvenile delinquency in modern society, theories about the cause of delinquency, social factors affecting juvenile behavior, and modern methods of handling delinquency, including the juvenile court system is presented in this course.

SOCI 256 Indian Society in Transition (3 Credits)

This course examines the crises and challenges of the second most populous country in the world. It studies institutional changes such as the case system, political leadership, and two of the major religions of the world - Hinduism and Buddhism. It also investigates the future prospects of India.

SOCI 259 Community Organization:Theory & Practice (3 Credits)

This course focuses on the development of the student's understanding of the concept of community and the theory of community. Function and structure of the community as a social system and the impact of the community on the individual are explored. Strategies for community organization are addressed.

SOCI 260 Black Community Organization (3 Credits)

This course examines the structure and goals of black organizations, informal social structure, leadership, gaps in organization and leadership, and the influences of external social forces on the black community and programs that deal with black community problems. The course involves field work.

SOCI 261 African Cultural Influences in the New World (3 Credits)

This is a contemporary community study in areas of the New World where African slavery once existed, such as Brazil, the West Indies, and the United States. Attention is given to reworking of African cultural elements under conditions of slavery and the post-emancipation period.

SOCI 262 Health, Illness & Society (3 Credits)

This course examines the various ways that health and illness intertwine with social organization and customs. Topics for discussion include social patterns that affect the health and health behavior of individuals, groups, and societies, body care as a system of social behavior, how illness is explained in various belief systems and the impact of disease on persons, groups and society. The course is useful preparation for careers in health businesses and agencies: social work, nursing, community planning, and teaching.

SOCI 265 Racial & Cultural Minorities (3 Credits)

This course examines race, ethnicity and religion in minority-dominant group relations. After examining the interrelationships of these factors and immigration, focus is on African-Americans, Hispanics and Asians as minorities. Theory and research in the areas of prejudice and discrimination are examined.

SOCI 267 Cultural Assimilation (3 Credits)

This course discusses the process whereby members of minority groups acquire in whole or in part the culture of the dominant group. Attention is paid to those forces that serve to resist as well as those that accentuate the assimilation process.

SOCI 268 Urban Anthropology (3 Credits)

Studies the cultural system of cities, and the influences of urban life on social organization and attitudes. The course focuses on rural-urban migration, urban segregation, and contemporary urban problems including poverty, racism, violence and street gangs. In addition, the dynamics of acculturation in the Jersey City immigrant community will be addressed.

SOCI 272 Field Experience in Social Practice (3 Credits)

This is a program of field experiences in which participants make on-site visits to organizations such as the courts, prisons, and drug rehabilitation centers. Students are also expected to attend meetings of groups concerned with the amelioration of social problems in our society (i.e., Alcoholics Anonymous, the City Council, etc.).

SOCI 300 Interpreting Culture (3 Credits)

This is a critical review of the history of anthropological approaches to understanding culture. The history of anthropological theory from the enlightenment to post-modernism is discussed the emphasis is placed on the dynamics of culture change from simple to complex societies.

Pre-Requisite(s): 6 credits in Anthropology

SOCI 308 Forensic Anthropology (3 Credits)

Forensic anthropology applies anthropological research and techniques to resolve medico-legal or forensic cases. The course focuses on the study of the human skeleton or remains to assess age, sex, race, stature, and nature of trauma or cause of death. In general, forensic anthropologists focus on bones whereas forensic pathologists (who are physicians) focus on soft tissues such as organs and body fluids.

Pre-Requisite(s): SOCI 115 and SOCI 248

SOCI 309 Riots, Rebellions, Revolutions: Civil Conflict and Violence (3 Credits)

This course critically examines the events of the Summer of 1967 during which several episodes of civil conflict took place in American cities, most notably Newark NJ and Detroit Michigan. These events, often referred to as “riots” or “rebellions”, can also be seen as “revolutionary” in their impact on these cities and the nation as a whole. Students will intensively research these events, explore their causes and consequences, apply theoretical perspectives from several academic disciplines to foster understanding of their genesis, and assess the prospects for urban unrest today in light of recent responses to inequality and injustice in cities like Baltimore, Ferguson, and Charlottesville.

Pre-Requisite(s): 8 Gen Ed Courses across Tier 1 and Tier 2.

SOCI 310 Basic Interviewing Skills (3 Credits)

This course focuses on learning basic interviewing skills, psychosocial assessment, genogram, and recording. Methods of data collection employed within a variety of social service agencies will be examined.

SOCI 314 Treatment Plans in Substance Abuse (3 Credits)

This course focuses on the use of the New Jersey Client Oriented Data Acquisition Process (C.O.D.A.P.) in the assessment and formulation of a treatment plan for alcohol and drug abuse clients. Topics include goal setting, contracting, and a discussion of specific interventions to address clients' alcohol and drug abuse problems.

SOCI 330 Sociology of Sports (3 Credits)

This course is an examination of the functions and definitions of sport in society. Focusing primarily but not exclusively on the US, students examine the relations between culture and sport as well as the relationship of sport to other social institutions, such as politics, economy, mass media, school and amateur athletics, race, and racism.

SOCI 335 Case Management of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Clients (3 Credits)

The course will focus on principles and methods of case management to provide substance-abusing clients with needed community services to assist them in recovery. Topics will include case management for clients with special needs such as mental illness, HIV/AIDS, physical disabilities, and homelessness.

SOCI 336 Professional and Ethical Responsibilities in Substance Abuse Treatment (3 Credits)

The course will focus on legal and ethical issues relevant in the treatment of substance abuse. Case studies will be utilized to present important legal and ethical issues in substance abuse treatment. The course will include topics on enhancing professional growth through the use of literature, continuing education, and self-evaluations.

SOCI 340 Political Sociology (3 Credits)

This course is a study of the sources of power in a society, how power is exercised, the characteristics of those with power and those contesting power, the changes in who holds power, and the consequences for a society of the pattern of power.

SOCI 341 Law and Social Values (3 Credits)

This is a study of the origins of law and its relations to social values, the influences of law in human society, and the structure of the legal institutions.

SOCI 344 Social Change (3 Credits)

The various factors affecting social change are discussed, including ethnological developments and social movements. The extent to which social change produces social problems is analyzed and the unintended consequences of change efforts are noted. SOCI 345 Professorial Assistant Selected students receive an opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge of the research process through involvement in current faculty research.

SOCI 345 Professorial Assistant (3 Credits)

Selected students receive an opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge of the research process through involvement in current faculty research.

Pre-Requisite(s): SOCI 111 Principles of Sociology or permission of the chairperson

SOCI 346 Social Structure and Personality (3 Credits)

This course is a study of the interaction between the organization of society and the development of human personality, including examination of the processes by which human beings create their societies and in turn are molded and constrained by these societies.

SOCI 351 Sociology of Law (3 Credits)

This course introduces law and society as seen in their intimate interaction, the relation of law to social structure, social change and conflict resolution. It examines the socio-psychological aspects of judicial behavior and the legal system (lawyers, courts, police, corrections) in our society It emphasizes the law as a vehicle of social engineering, a means of social communication and an essential tool in the implementation of social values.

SOCI 360 Sociological Research Methods (3 Credits)

Major types of research design and techniques are studied: interviewing, questionnaires, experiment, social survey, and participant observation. Methods of data processing and analysis are also examined. The course emphasizes the critical reading and understanding of research studies. Pre-requisite: SOCI 111 Principles of Sociology.

Pre-Requisite(s): SOCI 111 Principles of Sociology

SOCI 420 Social Research Laboratory (3 Credits)

Students gain direct experience in research techniques by participating in a professionally designed research project. They perform research tasks on a given project, such as sample selection, questionnaire construction, interviewing, coding and data, computer processing, literature search and analysis of results.

Pre-Requisite(s): SOCI 360 Sociological Research Methods

SOCI 421 Development of Sociological Theory (3 Credits)

This course focuses on the radical social ideas of Rousseau, Comte, Marx, Smith, and others which has influenced modern social sciences, in general and sociology in particular. The course also stresses the social scientific methods developed by Durkheim, Pareto, Weber, and others to analyze contemporary and future societies.

Pre-Requisite(s): SOCI 111 Principles of Sociology and SOCI 113

SOCI 440 Independent Study in Sociology (3 Credits)

Independent study is offered to advanced students who have demonstrated the ability and interest to do creative, original research. The coursework is carried out under faculty supervision.

Pre-Requisite(s): Permission of the chairperson

SOCI 442 Basic Statistics for Sociology (3 Credits)

This is an introduction to the elementary statistical procedures used in social science research. Instruction in using computers to assist in statistical calculations may be included.

SOCI 443 Sociology Internship and Applications (3 Credits)

Students participate in a field experience with area agencies and organizations, which address socio-economic issues and needs. Student interests are considered in determining appropriate placements which may include informal self-help and community groups, public and private human service agencies, mental health, recreation, courts, correctional, planning, educational and health organizations. The student must work 100 hours per semester. The course offers optional simulations to develop skills and earn credit.

Pre-Requisite(s): SOCI 111 Principles of Sociology and SOCI 233 Introduction to Social Work

SOCI 450 Seminar: Domestic Violence (3 Credits)

Seminars are reserved for upper level and special students. Students have the opportunity to explore a topic of interest in-depth for research, oral presentation or externship.