Attendance Policy
Each faculty member determines attendance requirements for the courses he or she teaches. At the first meeting of each class, students shall receive a written statement of the attendance requirements. Attendance records may be factored into the evaluation of the student’s performance and achievement for the course.
Absence from classes due to illness or personal reasons should be handled privately by the student and faculty member on an individual basis. Students who expect to be absent for more than three (3) days must contact the Dean of Students, who will notify faculty members of the student’s situation.
An absence of any length requires that the student discuss with his/her professor what impact the absence may have on the student’s academic progress.
Students are required to take all examinations announced by the faculty on the days scheduled for them.
NOTE: Non-attendance does not constitute withdrawal from a course(s).
To comply with federal and state aid requirements, instructors are required to keep attendance records, complete Mid-Semester Audit Report Forms, and certify the last date of attendance of students receiving aid.
Financial aid recipients who never attend one or more of their classes or who stop attending all of their classes will be paid a reduced amount of aid and are subject to forfeiture of their financial aid.
Students enrolled in Joint Programs (NJCU/ Rutgers) shall at all times be required to follow the rules and regulations established by affiliated clinical, governmental, accreditation agencies, professional associations and any other institution, agency, or organization participating in the Joint Program.
They shall do so under the specific instruction of the supervisory staff of those agencies.