Dropping or Adding a Class
Students may add and drop classes during the designated Add/Drop period for each semester or Summer session. The last date for adding and dropping classes for each term is listed in the Master Course List (MCL) published by the Registrar and available online at https://www.njcu.edu/academics/academic-calendar/graduate-academic-calendar. Separate dates may be established for classes that do not follow the normal start/end schedule. Students who drop courses during the designated Add/Drop period will receive full (100%) refunds for those courses. Students with Financial Aid should be cautioned that dropping courses may affect their eligibility status and Financial Aid award amounts. Furthermore, students are not allowed to drop Academic Foundations courses, All-University Requirement courses, and certain other courses, such as those with corequisites, unless special permission is granted.
Students may add and drop classes via GothicNet, or in person by submitting an Add/Drop form to the Registrar’s Office, Hepburn Hall 214. The Add/Drop form is available at the Registrar’s Office, and at https://www.njcu.edu/directories/offices-centers/registrar/forms.
Students are strongly cautioned against dropping classes indiscriminately, as doing so may affect eligibility for Financial Aid and scholarships, registration in other courses, full-time status, and overall degree progress.