Music Multi-Style Strings, BA

Required Courses
MDT 167World Music3
MDT 121 (0.5 credit/semester for 8 semesters)0.5
MDT 122Applied Music I1.5
MDT 123Applied Music II1.5
MDT 222Applied Music III1.5
MDT 223Applied Music IV1.5
MDT 322Applied Music V1.5
MDT 324Applied Music VI1.5
MDT 422Applied Music VII1.5
MDT 424Applied Music VIII1.5
MDT 131Harmony I2
MDT 133Harmony II2
MDT 231Harmony III2
MDT 233Harmony IV2
MDT 132Ear-Training I2
MDT 134Ear-Training II2
MDT 232Ear-Training III2
MDT 234Ear-Training IV2
MDT 135Keyboard Method I1
MDT 136Keyboard Method II1
MDT 235Keyboard Method III1
MDT 236Keyboard Method IV1
MDT 259Musical Composition2
MDT 268Computer Music I3
MDT 269Computer Music II3
MDT 329Music History before 17503
MDT 330Music History after 17503
MDT 337Form & Analysis2
MDT 353The Survey of the Music Business3
MDT 384Arts Management I3
MDT 385Arts Management II3
MDT 183Chamber Ensembles (0.5 credit/semester for 4 semesters)0.5
MDT 184Chamber Ensembles (1 credit/semester for 4 semesters)1
MDT 199Jazz Combos (Could be taken in replacement of MDT 183)0.5
MDT 200Jazz Combos (Could be taken in place of MDT 184)1
Large Ensemble (0.5 credit/semester for 8 semesters)4-8
MDT 159New Jersey City University Orchestra0.5
MDT 161Symphony Winds & Percussion0.5
MDT 181Theatre Orchestra0.5
MDT 182Theatre Orchestra1
MDT 197Jazz Ensemble0.5
MDT 198Jazz Ensemble1
Music, Dance, and Theatre Electives
Electives from any area19
MDT 106Jazz History3

Upon completion of the Music B.A. program, students will be able to: 
1. Meet standards of musical performance
SLO 1a. DEMONSTRATE professional, entry-level competencies in the major area, including technical mastery
SLO 1b. DEMONSTRATE successful achievement of artistic and intellectual goals
SLO 1c. APPRAISE repertoire in multiple styles of music
SLO 1d. EXECUTE nontraditional techniques including percussive bow or left hand; chop; strumming; microtonal; scordatura. 

2. Demonstrate competence in content-based areas of music history, theory, pedagogy, music technology and analysis.
SLO 2a. ANALYZE elements and organizational patterns of music and their interaction, employing this understanding in aural, verbal, and visual analyses and applications.
SLO 2b. RECOGNIZE music according to historical, cultural, and stylistic contexts, including culture and history from diverse perspectives.
SLO 2c. APPLY relevant forms of music technology, including their basic functions and integrative nature.
SLO 2d. EVALUATE musical performances, literature, and technologies.

3. Demonstrate competence in skill-based areas of ear training/sight singing, improvisation, composition, and keyboard competency.
SLO 3a. CREATE arrangements and orchestrations implementing multiple styles, improvisation and technology 
SLO 3b. EMPLOY a level of competency in diverse styles of improvisation
SLO 3c. DEMONSTRATE a fundamental proficiency in keyboard skills.
SLO 3d. APPLY the research skills necessary for musical and contextual understanding of musical elements and relevance.
SLO 3E. SUMMARIZE the skills necessary to effectively and artistically lead a collaborative rehearsal.

4. Comprehensive skills and knowledge needed to understand how the music industry functions.
SLO 4a. ILUSTRATE knowledge of how to transact business-related issues including contracting productions and negotiating fees
SLO 4b. ORGANIZE collaborations with musicians and artists of stylistically diverse backgrounds 
SLO 4c. DEVELOP online production campaign including blogging, podcasts, social media
SLO 4c. Apply basic concepts of marketing, promotion, accounting, and management.