Performance-Multi-Style Strings, M.M.
The Master of Music in Performance with a concentration in Multi-Style Strings offers advanced studies to string players who demonstrate excellent musical proficiency and desire to develop their performance career in multiple styles. This specialization is a multi-faceted program, embracing all styles of music, technology and improvisation, empowering the advanced string player to explore and develop their potential as a creative artist fully prepared to enter the professional music world.
B.M.or B.A. in Music preferred. Admission by audition.
AUDITION REQUIREMENTS: NJCU Multi-Style Strings Audition Guidelines for Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass
Prepare three pieces in any style that you are comfortable with that displays your instrumental proficiency and overall musicianship. Each piece should be approximately 3-5 minutes in length. You may also be asked to demonstrate your technical facility via typical practice routines and exercises (scales, arpeggios, etc.).
The Admissions process includes a 15-minute live or remote interview with our admissions representative to discuss your goals, aspirations, and what you will bring to NJCU. Please provide a link to YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, or personal website when you submit your application.
Improvisation: We would like to hear you improvise to gauge where you are in your instrumental development. Your prepared piece may include improvisation, but it is not required.
Reading: The examples range from basic to complex in order for the audition team to gauge your reading ability. You will have 15 minutes before your audition to warm-up on your instrument and review the reading material before being asked to play the examples in the audition.
Code | Title | Credits |
Major Area Requirements: | 22 | |
MDT 601 | Graduate Musicianship | 3 |
MDT 621 | Grad Applied Music Major I | 3 |
MDT 622 | Graduate Applied Music Major II | 3 |
MDT 623 | Grad Applied Music Major III | 3 |
MDT 629 | Grad Applied Music Major IV | 3 |
MDT 610 | Performance Seminar | 3 |
MDT 624 | Graduate Music Ensemble I | 1 |
MDT 625 | Graduate Music Ensemble II | 1 |
MDT 626 | Grad Music Ensemble III | 1 |
MDT 634 | Grad Music Ensemble IV | 1 |
History Electives & Other Electives: | 11 | |
MDT 505 | Contemporary Music | 3 |
MDT 506 | Music in America | 3 |
MDT 612 | Early Jazz to the Swing Era | 3 |
MDT 613 | Jazz History II | 3 |
MDT 507 | Computer Music (507 is Graduate Computer Music) | 3 |
MDT 525 | Application of Theory in Performance | 3 |
MDT 526 | Jazz Arranging | 3 |
MDT 614 | Jazz Compostion | 3 |
MDT 616 & MDT 617 & MDT 618 | Graduate Applied Music Minor I and Grad Applied Music Minor II and Graduate Applied Music Min III | 3 |
MDT 620 | Jazz Compositional Styles | 3 |
MDT 624 & MDT 625 & MDT 626 & MDT 634 | Graduate Music Ensemble I and Graduate Music Ensemble II and Grad Music Ensemble III and Grad Music Ensemble IV | 4 |
MDT 631 | Independent Study | 1 |
MDT 632 | Independent Study | 2 |
MDT 633 | Independent Study | 3 |
CJ 601 | Grant Proposal Writing | 3 |
MGMT 595 | Executive Communication | 3 |
Total Credits (28 required; 8 electives) | 36 | |
Culminating Activity 1 |
- As a culminating demonstration of professional capability in the major field, the student must present a public performance, which may serve as the thesis. Normally, the performance includes at least sixty minutes of recital in which the performer is a soloist.
1. Demonstrate professional standards of musical performance
SLO 1a. DEMONSTRATE advanced competencies in performance of multiple styles in solo and collaborative settings before peers, faculty and general audience
SLO 1b. CREATE work for performance drawn from a broad range of musical knowledge and skills.
SLO 1c. APPLY musicianship, analysis, technical knowledge and skill, analytic procedures, historical and cultural knowledge in integrative ways
SLO 1d. ORGANIZE solo and ensemble performances integrating classical, jazz, rock, and other styles of harmonic and stylistic practices.
2. Demonstrate advance understanding of content-based areas of music history, theory, pedagogy, music technology and analysis.
SLO 2a. DEMONSTRATE sufficient understanding of music technology as an integrated field, including hardware components, software programs, concepts, and applications of music technology.
SLO 2b. DESIGN work employing technology in music creation and performance and the conceptualization, development, production, and distribution processes associated with one or more specific music technology areas or applications.
SLO 2c. COMPARE historical, cultural, and stylistic contexts of diverse musical styles
SLO 2d. ANALYZE musical scores of diverse styles
3. Conceive, realize, and produce artistic concepts
SLO 3a. PRODUCE a final project or equivalent reviewed by peers and faculty that reflects advanced development of intellectual capabilities, technical skills, musical crafts, and artistic sensibilities
SLO 3b. CREATE original or derivative work implementing Compositional, Arranging and Improvisational skills
SLO 3c. APPLY technology to create, perform, record and distribute music.
SLO 3d. ORGANIZE collaborations with musicians and artists of stylistically diverse backgrounds
4. Advanced skills and knowledge needed to understand how the music industry functions.
SLO 4a. DEMONSTRATE knowledge of how to transact business-related issues including contracting productions and negotiating fees
SLO 4b. FORMULATE artistic and intellectual judgments and professional decisions in the music industry
SLO 4c. DEVELOP innovative approaches to work independently and collaboratively
SLO 4d. DESIGN online production campaign including blogging, podcasts, social media
SLO 4e. DEVELOP strategies for producing and marketing performance projects