Educational Psychology, M.A.

The Department of Psychology offers a broad education in psychology leading to the Master of Arts in Educational Psychology. The program of courses and field experiences serve as preparation for entry into doctoral or certification programs (such as school psychology certification) and is geared towards students who are interested or already involved in human services.

Prerequisite for Admission

  1. Completion of the general graduate studies admission requirements.
  2. Verbal and quantitative Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores are recommended.
  3. Satisfactory completion of at least nine (9) undergraduate credits in psychology. (Additional graduate and/or undergraduate work may be considered necessary for admission. In such instances, an individual program must be planned by the student in consultation with an assigned graduate advisor).
  4. Formal review of the applicant’s credentials by the coordinator of the Educational Psychology program.
  5. Two letters of recommendation attesting to the candidate’s potential for graduate study are required.
Required Courses in Psychology
PSYC 603Developmental Psychology3
PSYC 604Tests & Measurements3
PSYC 606Research Methodology and Applications3
PSYC 609Pers Maladjusts Child&Adoles3
PSYC 616Therapeutic Intervention Techniques: Consultation in Educational Settings3
PSYC 626Ethics Law and Professional Issues3
PSYC 620Trauma and Crisis Intervention3
PSYC 629Multicultural Counseling3
PSYC 631Psychopharmacology3
Required Courses from the College of Education
SPEC 600Introduction to Learning Disabilities (From the College of Education)3
SPEC 640Emotional and Behavior Disorders in Children and Youth3
EDLD 662Principles Of Curric Dev&Eval3
Total Credits:36