ESL Alternate Route

The ESL Alternate Route program provides a process for individuals who already hold a bachelor’s degree (or higher) to become licensed teachers without having to complete a traditional teacher training program. Candidates complete courses online while working as a full-time teacher. The program is regulated and approved by the New Jersey Department of Education. Program coursework focuses on developmentally appropriate practices, curriculum, and the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to be an effective ESL educator.

MCC 603Applied Linguistics with Emphasis on Second Language Experience3
MCC 604Phonology and Structure of American English3
MCC 605Introduction to Bilingual/Multicultural Education3
MCC 627Historical and Cultural Background of Limited English Proficient Students3
MCC 635Effective Literacy Teaching for English Language Learners3
MCC 655Methods of Teaching ESL3
EDTC 621Leading Curriculum Change Using the Internet3
EDU 693Educational Assessment3

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Our candidates demonstrate mastery of the subject matter they plan to teach.
  2. Our candidates demonstrate their pedagogical knowledge, integrating their understanding of their pupils’ developmental levels, individual differences, learning exceptionalities, and sociocultural backgrounds.
  3. Our candidates demonstrate effective instruction, caring behavior, and reflection to improve practice.
  4. Our candidates know and value how individuals are shaped by their life experiences as mediated by factors such as social class, gender, race, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, age, and social needs. Our candidates know, value, and engage in culturally responsive teaching to promote social justice, particularly in our urban areas.
  5. Our candidates are able to use appropriate technology in carrying out their professional responsibilities.