Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education (K-6) with Literacy Focus
The Department of Literacy Education proposes the creation of a new Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education (K-6) certification with a focus on Literacy. This new program will differ from our current K-6 certification program in the following ways: a) the increased focus on literacy and developing quality teacher candidates who understand the importance and can implement literacy-driven instruction to K-6 students in all elementary content areas; b) the inclusion of a paid teacher intern program for all students beginning in their sophomore year; and c) an intentional, directed focus on the teacher as a lifelong learner through comprehensive professional development,
Completion of this major prepares educators to work with children from Kindergarten through grade six and be eligible to obtain the Elementary Teacher Certificates of Eligibility with Advanced Standing. Candidates for this certification must also complete 60 liberal arts credits offered by the William J. Maxwell College of Arts and Sciences.
NJCU is fully accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. NJCU Education programs are accredited both by the Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Preparation (CAEP) and the New Jersey State Department of Education.
A minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point average (CGPA) of 3.0.
A minimum of B- or better on all education courses
Passing scores on all three sections of the Praxis CORE, or 560 verbal, 540 Math on the SAT, or 23 or higher on the ACT, or 155 verbal, 156 quantitative on the GRE.
Passing scores on the Praxis CORE Academic Skills for Educators Tests, as of 9/1/19:
Math Test #5733 Passing Score 150
Reading Test #5713 Passing Score 156
Writing Test #5723 Passing Score 162
Students who meet the score levels below are not required to take the Praxis CORE:
SAT Scores
If taken before 4/1/1995: Math 520, Reading 480
If taken between 4/1/1995 to 2/28/2016: Math 540, Reading 560
If taken on or after 3/1/2016: Math 570, 610 Evidence-Based Reading and Writing or 30 Reading Section
ACT Scores
If taken before 8/28/1989: Math 23, English 20
If taken on or after 8/28/1989: Math 23, English 23
GRE Scores
If taken before 8/1/2011: Quantitative 720, Verbal 530
If taken on or after 8/1/2011: Quantitative 156, Verbal 155
For more information on Praxis exams:
Completion of NJCU General Education requirements or equivalent
Successful completion of courses in intended majors and certification areas
Passing scores on appropriate Praxis II Exams
A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
Successful completion of clinical practice 1 and 2
Obtaining a passing score of 37 or above on the performance assessment, edTPA, as required by the New Jersey Department of Education.
Note: For the most updated information on this teaching certification program, students are directed to contact Dr. Michelle Rosen, Chairperson of the department, as changes may have occurred since publication.
Students with bachelor's degrees in designated areas may be eligible to add middle school extension certifications (grades 6-8). Speak with an advisor for details.
All candidates in the proposed program will complete a Bachelor’s Degree with a cumulative 3.0 cumulative GPA or higher and 60 credits in Liberal Arts courses. Candidates will need to demonstrate competencies in Basic Skills, as required by the NJDOE, through PRAXIC Core, GRE, SAT, or ACT scores.
Education Courses: The design of this program utilizes all existing courses with the exception of 4 newly created courses that take a deeper dive into literacy instruction than currently available in our existing Elementary Education program. There are 14 education courses plus Clinical Practice I & II. Five of the courses can be used towards the 10 course requirement for the Teacher of Reading Endorsement. If candidates choose, they have the option to enroll in five of our graduate level courses in our Masters of Arts in Reading program to complete the Supplemental Instruction certification as a Teacher of Reading. At that point of completion, they can choose to enroll in the additional five courses to complete the Masters of Arts in Reading.
Clinical Experiences: The proposed program will allow the interns to complete their required 50 hours in the classrooms they are working as interns. Within the scope, an additional 15-20 hours per week will be spent working in authentic classrooms alongside experienced teachers. They will also complete their CPI experience during the Fall of their senior year and CPII during the subsequent spring semester.
Code | Title | Credits |
Required | ||
EDU 280 | Challenges in Urban Education | 3 |
LTED 235 | Focus: Foundations of Literacy (K-6) | 3 |
SPEC 210 | Communication Disorders in Children | 3 |
LTED 236 | Literacy Instruction and Strategies (K-6) | 3 |
SPEC 250 | Psychological & Educational Needs of the Exceptional Child | 3 |
EDTC 310 | Teaching and Learning With Technology | 3 |
EDU 331 | Clinical Practice I | 2 |
EDU 315 | Differentiating Instruction:Mtng Needs of Urban Stdnts from Cultrly,Ling.,&Academic Diverse Bckgrnds | 3 |
LTED 326 | 3 | |
EDU 480 | Clinical Practice II | 8 |
EDU 470 | Concurrent Student Teaching Seminar | 2 |
ESL Endorsement(Optional) | ||
LTED 326 | 3 | |
MCC 427 | Historical and Cultural Background of Limited English Proficient Students | 3 |
MCC 403 | Applied Linguistics | 3 |
MCC 404 | Phonology & Structure of American English | 3 |
MCC 455 | Methods of Teaching English as a Second Language | 3 |
MCC 417 | Field Experience in Bilingual/Multicultural Education | 3 |
Bilingual/Bicultural Endorsement(Optional) | ||
MCC 405 | Introduction to Bilingual/Bicultural Education | 3 |
MCC 407 | Teaching Bilingual Children Content Area | 3 |
ESL/Biling./Bicult. Endorsement(Optional) | ||
LTED 326 | 3 | |
MCC 427 | Historical and Cultural Background of Limited English Proficient Students | 3 |
MCC 403 | Applied Linguistics | 3 |
MCC 405 | Introduction to Bilingual/Bicultural Education | 3 |
MCC 407 | Teaching Bilingual Children Content Area | 3 |
Dual ESL & Bilingual/Bicultural Endorsement(Optional) | ||
LTED 326 | 3 | |
MCC 427 | Historical and Cultural Background of Limited English Proficient Students | 3 |
MCC 405 | Introduction to Bilingual/Bicultural Education | 3 |
MCC 403 | Applied Linguistics | 3 |
MCC 404 | Phonology & Structure of American English | 3 |
MCC455 | ||
MCC 407 | Teaching Bilingual Children Content Area | 3 |
MCC 417 | Field Experience in Bilingual/Multicultural Education | 3 |
The College of Education is dedicated to the belief that education is transformative and empowering and that social justice can best be accomplished through an educated citizenry.
Our candidates demonstrate mastery of the subject matter they plan to teach.
Our candidates demonstrate their pedagogical knowledge, integrating their understanding of their pupils’ developmental levels, individual differences, learning exceptionalities, and sociocultural backgrounds.
Our candidates demonstrate effective instruction, caring behavior, and reflection to improve practice.
Our candidates know and value how individuals are shaped by their life experiences as mediated by factors such as social class, gender, race, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, age, and social needs. Our candidates know, value, and engage in culturally responsive teaching to promote social justice, particularly in our urban areas.
Our candidates are able to use appropriate technology in carrying out their professional responsibilities
In addition, the proposed program will satisfy the following Middle States student learning outcomes:
Critical Reasoning and Research Skills
Written and Oral Communication
Information Literacy Skills
Technology Fluency