Rossey Hall, Room 405
The New Jersey City University Nursing Department serves the educational needs of current registered nurses or bachelor degree-holders looking to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The nurse with the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) is the preferred nursing graduate for practice in all health care settings— critical-care, long-term care, ambulatory care, public health, and mental health and, thus, has the greatest employment flexibility of any entry-level Registered Nurse (RN). New Jersey City University’s BSN curriculum includes a broad spectrum of scientific, critical-thinking, humanistic, communication, and leadership skills, including specific courses on population health nursing not typically included in diploma or associate degree programs. Nursing students also learn about current trends in healthcare, focusing on wellness and illness concepts, culturally sensitive care, and the delivery of safe, quality care in hospital and community-based settings.
These abilities are essential for today’s professional nurse who must be a skilled provider, designer, manager, and coordinator of care. Nurses must make quick, sometimes life-and-death decisions; understand a patient’s treatment, symptoms, and danger signs; supervise other nursing personnel; coordinate care with other health providers; master advanced technology; guide patients through the maze of health resources in a community and teach patients how to comply with treatment and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Nursing is a dynamic, challenging, and a rewarding profession.
The NJCU Nursing Department sponsors a chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing.
The Nursing Department at NJCU offers two programs leading to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree; an accelerated, second-degree BSN program for non-nurses who hold bachelor degrees in other fields, a program designed for registered nurses who hold associate degrees and wish to continue their education and obtain BSN degrees.
The pre-licensure ABSN program is accredited by the New Jersey Board of Nursing. Applicants and students with complaints about the program may contact the NJ Board of Nursing as below.
New Jersey Board of Nursing
PO Box 45010
Newark, NJ 07101 (973) 504-6430
Date of Last Review: 2019, Date of Next Review June 15, 2028
The ABSN, RN-BSN, MS program and the School Nurse Certificate program are all accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
The baccalaureate degree program in nursing and master's degree program in nursing at New Jersey City University are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791. The BSN and MS Programs are accredited until December 31, 2032. This accreditation action was made affective March 28, 2022.
Nelda Ephraim, Chair
Assistant Professor of Nursing, School Nurse Program Coordinator
Union County College, A.S.; Thomas Edison State College, B.S., M.S.; Capella University, Ph.D
Denise Branchizio
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Seton Hall University, B.S., University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, M.S.N.
Shanda Johnson
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Rutgers University, B.S.N., M.S.N., Ph.D.
Marie E. Montanez
Assistant Professor of Nursing, ABSN Coordinator
Joyce Wright
Associate Professor of Nursing, RN to BSN Program Coordinator
Rutgers University, B.S.N.; Seton Hall University, M.S.; Widener University, Ph.D.
Various discipline-specific concentrations that will prepare students for multiple fields of employment or areas of additional undergraduate/graduate study are noted below. Course requirements for each concentration are explained in detail. The requirements for graduation, in addition to completion of the major area, are listed on "Undergraduate Degree Requirements."
Nursing (NURS)
NURS 1XX Nursing Transfer Credit (0 Credits)
NURS 2XX Nursing Transfer Credit (0 Credits)
NURS 301 Pathophysiology (3 Credits)
This course is designed to introduce the student to pathophysiologic concepts related to altered biological processes affecting individuals across the lifespan and is built on the general principles of health maintenance. A global approach to disease will be emphasized. The course builds on principles from anatomy, physiology, and chemistry.
NURS 302 Pharmacology in Nursing Practice (3 Credits)
This course provides an introduction to pharmacotherapeutics and use of pharmacological agents in evidence-based nursing practice. Pharmacological agents are explored with emphasis on pharmackinetics, pharmacodynamics, and major pharmacological classifications. The use of pharmacological agents across the lifespan in acute and chronic disease states and culturally diverse populations are identified.
NURS 303 Nursing Informatics and Technology for Quality Patient Care (3 Credits)
This course introduces nursing informatics. Basic computer literacy is required. Applications to nursing through identification, retrieval, processing, evaluation, and management of health information systems are explored. Emphasis is placed on experiential learning of selected technologies. The impact of information systems on quality, safety, ethics, and evidence-based practice is examined.
NURS 304 Health Assessment (4 Credits)
This course focuses on the development of interviewing skills, assessment of health status, and physical examination skills. Patterns of healthy individuals will be examined and used as a reference point for assessment and health maintenance. Laboratory experiences for the integration of theory and skill mastery are utilized.
NURS 305 Fundamentals of Nursing (6 Credits)
This course will focus on the concepts, skills, and attitudes fundamental to professional nursing practice within a framework of clinical decision-making. The course will emphasize the establishment of the therapeutic nurse-patient relation-ship, and the development of the student's beginning comprehension of the patient's responses to health and illness.
NURS 310 Contemporary Professional Practice for Baccalaureate Nurse (3 Credits)
This course addresses professional communication models, interprofessional collaboration practices, and professional engagement to foster growth and development in nursing theory and practice to advance knowledge and skills. Current and emerging roles of the nurse in contemporary complex healthcare environments will be emphasized.
NURS 320 Integrative Health: Complementary and Alternative Healing in Nursing Practice (3 Credits)
This course provides an overview of the paradigm of integrative health with a focus upon upon complementary practices and alternative models of healing. Evidence-based practice for support for use is explored across the life span, with an emphasis in adult populations. Nursing role implications are addressed.
Pre-Requisite(s): NURS 310
NURS 321 Spirituality and Spiritual Care in Healthcare (3 Credits)
This course addresses the spiritual component of caring for populations in the healthcare continuum. Students are guided in identifying client’s spiritual needs while exploring their own spiritual well-being. Application of evidence-based tools and strategies in recognizing spiritual distress and using a collaborative approach to providing spiritual care will be addressed.
Prerequisite: NURS 310 Contemporary Professional Practice
NURS 325 Culture and Diversity in Nursing Practice (3 Credits)
This course addresses expressions of health, illness, caring, and healing from trans-cultural focused perspectives. Culturally congruent nursing care practices encompassing individuals, families, groups, and communities are investigated and developed through Transcultural nursing theory, communication principles and ethics of social justice. A self-assessment approach is utilized to examine culture and diversity.
NURS 326 Bio-Psychosocial Aspects of Women’s Health Disparities (3 Credits)
This course focuses on the health issues in women across the lifespan. Health is viewed from the holistic paradigm of biological, physiological, and psychological perspectives, with the integration of cultural implications. Evidence-based literature and implications for nursing practice will be addressed, with emphasis on interdisciplinary health promotional interventions.
Pre-requisite: NURS 310 or Consent of Instructor
Co-requisite: None
NURS 351 Health Assessment for Professional Nurse (3 Credits)
This course focuses on the professional nurse's development of health assessment skills and health promotion techniques across the lifespan. Emphasis is placed on genetic considerations and a culturally sensitive approach to the individual as a whole, both in wellness and in illness. Laboratory practice is integrated throughout the course.
Pre-Requisite(s): ENGL 101, ENGL 102, BIOL 236, BIOL 237, BIOL 303 or science equivalent
Co-Requisite(s): None.
NURS 375 Perspectives in Global Health: Healthcare Implications (3 Credits)
Course presents contemporary issues in global health and implications for nursing practice in global community. Global health is explored through the societal infrastructures of geography, culture, economics, politics, and health delivery systems. Foundational concepts of disease burden and demographics, health ethics, chronicity, populations, and environmental health are applied.
Pre-Requisite(s): NURS 310
NURS 376 Healers, Heretics, and Heroines: A History of Nursing Practice (3 Credits)
This course chronicles the history of the nursing profession through the interpretative lens of historiography and biography. Various social constructs relevant to nursing: class, gender, social justice, race, politics, economics, education, religion, and global conflict are explored through narrative inquiry, literature and the cultural artifacts of film and writing.
Pre-requisite(s): NURS 310 or consent of the advisor.
NURS 400 Adult Health and Illness I (6 Credits)
This course will focus on the nursing care management of adults with common diseases/illnesses. Patients with peri-operative considerations, alterations in pain control, fluid and electrolytes balance, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, hematological, and immunological systems, gastrointestinal, renal, integumentary, neurological, musculoskeletal, male reproductive, and infectious disease systems will be discussed.
NURS 401 Nursing Care of Childbearing Women and Newborns (3 Credits)
This course focuses on nursing care of childbearing family. Emphasis is placed on evidence based practice for health protection, promotion and clinical care of the childbearing family. Care planning incorporates concepts of interprofessional collaboration, cultural cognizance and clinical reasoning to achieve quality outcomes.
NURS 403 Nursing Care of Infants, Children, and Adolescents (3 Credits)
This theory and clinical course addresses the principles of competent holistic pediatric nursing care for infants, children and adolescents experiencing acute and chronic health alterations. A foundation of nursing care is generated through the integration of principles of growth and development, family centered care, cultural assessment, and evidence of best practices.
NURS 404 Concepts in Gerontological Nursing Practice (2 Credits)
This course will focus on the nursing management of geriatric adults. Contemporary theories of gerontology, theories of aging, physiological/psychological functioning, impact of developmental changes, illness, and dysfunction will be emphasized.
NURS 408 Adult Health II: Complex Care (7 Credits)
This course will focus on the nursing care management of acutely ill adults. Acutely ill adults with peri-operative considerations, fluid and electrolytes balance, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, hematological, and immunological systems, gastrointestinal, renal, integumentary, neurological, musculoskeletal, reproductive, and infectious disease systems will be discussed.
NURS 410 Nursing Care of Patients with Behavior Health Issues (3 Credits)
This theory and clinical course addresses the principles of competent holistic psychiatric nursing. A foundation of nursing care is emphasized on contemporary theories of the health and illness continuum; and the impact of developmental theory and cultural framework on the functioning of individuals, families, communities, and vulnerable populations.
NURS 416 Senior Capstone for Entry-Level Nursing Practice (2 Credits)
Course provides for content review of essential concepts and skills from the nursing curriculum. Students complete a self-assessment of NCLEX-RN preparation and apply test-taking strategies to support success. Students apply knowledge and skills to select cases and sit for a comprehensive exit exam to evaluate mastery of content.
NURS 425 Quality and Safety (3 Credits)
This course explores the knowledge, attitudes and skills essential to promote safe and quality centered care utilizing the national based competencies, evidenced based practice, teamwork and collaboration in the practice environment. The course will examine the initiatives needed to transform and embrace safe and quality organizations.
NURS 440 Leadership and Management in Nursing Practice (4 Credits)
This course focuses on application of the principles of leadership and management across the continuum of care. Course emphasizes factors affecting safe and efficient patient care management, the nurse as change agent, evidence-based practice; and regulatory, legislative, and political processed in complex healthcare settings utilizing an interdisciplinary approach.
Pre-Requisite(s): NURS 303, 310, 325
Co-requisite(s): None.
NURS 460 Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice (3 Credits)
This course explores research methodologies as applied to the nursing discipline. The course will include analysis of selected nursing research studies, identification of re-searchable problems in nursing practice and evidence-based practice. At the end of this course the student is expected to be an informed nursing research consumer.
Pre-Requisite(s): PSYC 230.
NURS 470 Nursing Care of Populations in the Community (3 Credits)
This course addresses theory and practice of population-based nursing. Students are guided in community assessment and interventions to populations with emphasis on health promotion across the lifespan. Students will learn to apply evidence-based tools and strategies in recognizing and reducing health care disparities.
NURS 475 Population Health Nursing (5 Credits)
The course addresses theory and clinical practice of population-based nursing across the lifespan with emphasis on community assessment and interventions to protect, promote and provide high quality nursing care of populations. Evidence-based strategies are utilized to reduce healthcare disparities, promote social justice, and optimize the health of communities.
Pre-Requisite(s): PSYC 150, PSYC 152, NURS 303, NURS 310, NURS 325 and NURS 460