Educational Leadership

Professional Studies Building, Suite 329, Room 324

The Department of Educational Leadership aims to prepare reflective, caring, and highly skilled educational practitioners to lead urban schools in their chosen professions, to expand educational theory and practice in urban settings through research, and to work in partnership with constituents to effect change in educational practice in urban schools. Throughout the program, leadership candidates are required to demonstrate competency in their patience and perspective, to exercise judgment and wisdom, to develop their technical, analytical and communication skills, and to exhibit sensitivity to other cultures.

NJCU educational leadership programs prepare students with the awareness to acquire concepts, information definitions, and procedures.  These programs provide understanding for students to interpret, integrate and utilize their knowledge and skills. Further they provide unique opportunities for students to apply knowledge and skills to new or specific prospects or problems. Our programs provide students with intentionally developed culturally sustaining school leadership development experiences that connect, embed, and transcend explicit leadership skills within authentic contexts.

The Educational Leadership programs offer predominately online formats. 

The Educational Leadership Department offers the following programs:

  • M.A. in Urban Education with a specialization in Educational Administration and Supervision
  • Principal Certification Program
  • Supervisor (P-12) Certification
  • Superintendent Internship (150 Hours)

The MA degree, Principal Certification, and Supervisor Certification programs are standards based programs aligned to the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL), and the National Educational Leadership Preparation (NELP) Program Recognition Standards at the Building Level, as well as accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) for educational leadership advanced programs.

Contact Us
Alexis Kim, Ph. D., Chairperson 



Susan Phifer, Chairperson
Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership
Rutgers University, B.A., New Jersey City University, M.A., University of San Francisco, Ed.D.

Various discipline-specific concentrations that will prepare students for multiple fields of employment or areas of additional graduate study are noted below. Course requirements for each concentration are explained in detail. The requirements for graduation, in addition to completion of the major area, are listed on "Completing a Graduate Program."

Educational Leadership (EDLD)

EDLD 601 School Law (3 Credits)

This course offers a study of the constitutional and statutory provisions for public education; the legal status of the local school district; the county and state offices; legal responsibilities,rights, and obligations of administrators, teachers, students, and school boards; the legal nature of school operations. There is emphasis on recent legislation and court decisions and their impact on schools. Attention is given to legal aspects of public education in New Jersey and New York.

Pre-Requisite(s): Matriculation Required

EDLD 602 Collective Negotiations in the Public Sector (3 Credits)

This course offers a survey of the development of collective negotiations in public education and public service; a study of evolving concepts in the negotiation process; technical preparation to assist administrators and employees in negations; legal trends; and evolving issues and current practices. There is some emphasis on case studies, collective agreements, and the status of public employee bargaining in selected states. This course is designed for individuals in personnel management, employer/employee relations in the public sector, and for individuals who wish to learn more about collective negotiations in the public sector.

EDLD 619 Individually Guided Education Leadership Workshop (3 Credits)

The workshop is an intensive experience design to prepare facilitators/principals/learning community leaders for implementation of individually guided education. Training in individualization of instruction, peer teaching observation methods, advisor/advisee relationships, and learning design.

EDLD 620 Selected Problems in Law for Teachers, Supervisors, Administrators and School Business Officials (3 Credits)

The seminar topics and activities focus on legal problems that are particularly significant for teachers, supervisors and administrators in contemporary urban schools. Topics are examined for legal principles with illustrations from leading court decisions. Emphasis is placed on current trends and issues and the impact of the law on educational theory and practice.

EDLD 624 Evaluating School Programs (3 Credits)

This course examines the processes of mandatory and voluntary evaluation of schools. Its foci include both compliance reviews and reviews for school renewal and improvement. It outlines the self study process, examines the various approaches to school self-examination, explores development and modification of instruments which are helpful to information gathering, and examines the diverse methods of reporting findings.

EDLD 640 Home, School and Community Relations (3 Credits)

This course combines an experiential and theoretical approach to human relations training. Attention is centered on the personal development of individuals, focusing on relevant response styles and communication systems. This course focuses on enhancing interpersonal communication skills through the development of an understanding of listening/perceiving and communicating/ responding. Significant class time is devoted to experiential models. All students analyze the dynamics of selected human relations training models.

Pre-Requisite(s): Matriculation required

EDLD 646 Innovations in Curriculum and Educational Leadership (3 Credits)

This course offers a survey of innovative curricular, instructional, and organizational movements in P-12 public education. Identification of significant forces in creating educational innovations, curriculum design and development, principles of innovative leadership practices, and status of reform movements in urban schools are examined.

EDLD 655 School and Community Partnerships in Innovative Curriculum, Teaching and Learning (3 Credits)

This course explores established strategies, curriculum, and effective programs that develop partnerships between the school, parents, and the community to improve student achievement. The emphasis in curriculum innovation will focus on the standards-based curriculum in New Jersey as well as strategies and models for teachers to engage parents/ guardians in supporting their children for better achievement.

EDLD 659 Planning & Managing Technology in Schools (3 Credits)

This course prepares future school leaders in understanding the many uses of educational technology for instruction and institutional management. The course prepares students for participation in planning for the long range use of technology and for making informed choices regarding: hardware, software, network, connections, server strategies, policies for network use, staff and student training, and staffing for support and maintenance.

EDLD 660 Principles of Supervision and Human Resource Management (3 Credits)

This course offers an examination of evolving concepts of supervision of instruction combined with opportunities to acquire skills required to function in supervisory roles. Supervisory practices and functions are examined from the perspective of the teacher and supervisor through the use of case study materials and individual observations. The course includes attention to supervision behavior and procedures for encouraging staff development. This course offers an examination of evolving concepts of supervision of instruction combined with opportunities to acquire skills required to function in supervisory roles. Supervisory practices and functions are examined from the perspective of the teacher and supervisor through the use of case study materials and individual observations. The course includes attention to supervision behavior and procedures for encouraging staff development.

EDLD 662 Principles Of Curric Dev&Eval (3 Credits)

This course offers an overview of the factors, principles, and elements of curriculum development in the elementary and secondary school. Emphasis is on philosophical and psychological influences in education, as well as designing and evaluating curricular patterns for urban schools.

EDLD 663 Educational Administration Leadership I - Organizational Leadership (3 Credits)

This is a basic course for school principals, supervisors, and school business administrators providing an overview of the organization, management, and control of urban schools in the context of selected administrative theories and humanistic concerns. Emphasis is given to the structure and the social matrix in which schools operate. Procedures for assessing organizational climate, developing climate leadership, and defining a rationale for climate improvement are examined.

Pre-Requisite(s): Matriculation Required.

EDLD 664 Educational Administration Leadership II-Strategic Leadership and Teaching (3 Credits)

This is a basic course for those who anticipate a career in administration and supervision in schools, community colleges,hospitals, and public agencies. It includes study and analysis of leadership concepts and skills associated with administrative and organizational behavior. Emphasis is given to political and social theories of human behavior in social systems with illustrations from school systems, health institutions, and public agencies. It is management and leadership oriented, focusing on processes for building competencies in communication, decision making, morale and coping constructively with change. Attention is given to effective, scientific, human relations approaches to designing and implementing policies in formal organizations.

Pre-Requisite(s): Matriculation Required and EDLD 663

EDLD 665 Personnel, Supervision and Staff Development (3 Credits)

This seminar covers principles of staff supervision and resource development for line and staff supervisors who have responsibility for staff selection and for supervision and evaluation of program and staff. Emphasis is on analysis of a common core of management principles and functions pertaining to personnel administration and supervision in public schools and public sector institutions.

EDLD 668 Research in Urban Education, Supervision and Administration (3 Credits)

This is a tools course in the interpretation of research findings in the field of education. The library, measurement,statistics, and technology are examined as primary tools for educational research. Practical experience in applying the findings of research to problems and issues in teaching, learning, supervision, and administration are included.

EDLD 669 Measurement and Supervision of Learning and Teaching (3 Credits)

This course offers an examination of the supervisor’s responsibility for curriculum development and evaluation and new strategies for working with urban school faculty. Special attention is given to new modes of in-service education for meeting instructional problems encountered in “inner city” schools.

EDLD 670 School Business Admininstration and Accounting (3 Credits)

This course examines the role of the professional school business administrator in the management of the financial and business affairs of a school system. Emphasis is on broad perspectives of educational and business concepts that enable the business administrator to function effectively as a member of the school management team. Significant attention is given to the technical responsibilities of board secretaries and school business administrators (NJ). The accounting publications of the New Jersey State Department of Education are an integral part of the course content. Publications such as: The Chart of Accounts, Directions for Using New Jersey Public School Financial Accounting System, School Accounting Guide, and The Audit Programs, are reviewed in context of field applications.

EDLD 673 The Principalship (3 Credits)

This course examines the responsibilities and duties of the principal today. The special problems of the principal in the urban schools are explored. The emerging role of the principal in identifying urban school objectives and developing and administering programs relevant to urban areas is emphasized. Legal and social aspects of the principalship are areas of focus.

EDLD 681 School Finance (3 Credits)

This course examines the theory and practice of financing public schools in the United States, with special reference to New Jersey's system for financing education. Topics include: analysis of models for state school finance with in depth exploration of such issues as categorical aid, equalization aid, full state funding, power equalization, capital reserve funds, and financing school building construction. Emphasis is given to the development and administration of program oriented budgets.

EDLD 682 School Buildings: Planning Construction and Maintenance (3 Credits)

An examination of the political, social, fiscal and technical/professional components for planning and renovating physical facilities for educational use. Attention given to operating and maintenance costs in the context of declining enrollments and changing educational requirements. Theoretical and practical policies for effective plan utilization, including the withdrawing of school buildings from educational service and reviewed.

EDLD 685 Foundations of Policy and Political Systems in Urban Schools (3 Credits)

This course offers an examination and analysis of organizational theory: classical, human relations, and behavioral science with applications to management and supervision in large institutions. Case studies in the external and internal dynamics of urban institutions focusing on the political, sociological, psychological, and economic realities of institutional decision making are included.

EDLD 689 School Law and Finance for School Leaders (3 Credits)

Students will gain an understanding of the legal and fiscal framework within which schools must operate. Students will apply knowledge in practical situations, critically analyze school district policies, interpret complex financial data and develop a school budget based n needs assessment and the application of research-based school finance models.

Pre-Requisite(s): Matriculation

EDLD 690 Internship For Urban School Personnel I (3 Credits)

This directed experience in educational supervision and administration is an opportunity for students of advanced standing in programs in administration and supervision to engage in an internship planned cooperatively by the candidate, a practicing school administrator (mentor), and the assigned departmental supervisor. Internships are planned in advance. In addition to working closely with the sponsoring administrator or supervisor in the full range of activities of his/her assignment, the candidate is expected to plan and complete a comprehensive project in one of the following areas of administrative and supervisory functioning: curriculum development, curriculum evaluation, instructional improvement, evaluation of instruction, administrative processes and leadership, resource management. This project is planned prior to the beginning of the internship experience.

Pre-Requisite(s): Matriculation Required

EDLD 693 Internship for Urban School Personnel II (3 Credits)

A continuation of EDLD 690 Internship for Urban School Personnel I, this course is available only with the approval of the assigned graduate advisor and department chair.

Pre-Requisite(s): Matriculation Required and EDLD 690

EDLD 695 Internship for Urban Personnel III (3 Credits)

This internship, for educators with an MA in Educational Leadership and principal certification, provides a 150-hour clinical experience in educational supervision and administration. The role of the superintendent is the focus of observation, study and practice, as participants work cooperatively with a department faculty member and a practicing school superintendent.

EDLD 700 Advanced Seminar: Selected Problems and Issues in Administration, Supervision and Curriculum I (3 Credits)

This seminar is for advanced students in approved programs leading to certification as supervisors or principals and for practicing administrators or supervisors. Topics and issues currently important in administration, supervision, and/or curriculum are examined. Participant involvement in the selection of topics for study is invited. Case study materials and actual problems of administration and supervision are the subject of analysis. Development of the skills of analysis, decision making, and leadership are emphasized.

EDLD 810 Community College Leadership Institute (1 Credit)

This institute introduces students to scholarly practice and the Community College Leadership Doctoral program learning goals, related learning tasks, and timeline. This course explores current issues facing community colleges, innovative practices, and the role and competencies of community college leaders.

Pre-requisite: Admission to doctoral program

Co-requisite: EDLD 811

EDLD 811 Community Colleges: Past, Present and Future (3 Credits)

This course provides a comprehensive historical overview of community colleges, emphasizing past and current practices as well as exploring future directions. The expanded mission from access to success and the changing role of the community college considering social, political, and economic factors will be discussed.

Pre-requisite: Admission to doctoral program

Co-requisite: EDLD 810

EDLD 812 Leadership Theory and Change Management (3 Credits)

This course explores organizational leadership theories and how these theories can be used to positively influence rapidly changing, complex educational organizations. Emphasis is on the impact of diversity, culture, ethnic origin and societal change on educational institutions and the role that change management leaders play in student success reform.

Pre-requisite: EDLD 810 and 811; Co-Requisite: EDLD 831.

Co-Requisite: EDLD 831.

EDLD 813 Promoting Equity: Teaching and Supporting Diverse Student Learners (3 Credits)

This course examines issues, strategies, and methods for teaching and supporting adult learners in the community college setting in order to promote equity and excellence for all learners. The focus will be on institutional level policies and practices that promote equity, social justice, and student success.

Corequisite: EDLD 832 Educational Research I.

EDLD 814 Innovative Teaching Strategies and Practices (3 Credits)

This course provides community college leaders with a strong foundation in backward course design principles and evidence-based teaching and learning practices. Students will also explore and evaluate innovative approaches to teaching in-person, online, and blended courses to meet the changing needs of diverse student populations.

Prerequisite: EDLD 813

EDLD 815 Strategic Planning, Assessment, and Innovation (3 Credits)

This course focuses on strategic planning, assessment, and institutional effectiveness in community colleges. Students will develop planning, implementation, and leadership skills needed to direct and evaluate strategic decision-making and engage in continual assessment practices. Focus will be on using data-driven and innovative practices to improve student success outcomes.

EDLD 820 Community College Finance (3 Credits)

Students will learn how community colleges are funded. Various funding and budget models will be analyzed with a focus on how these models impact student success and equity. Budgeting and financial-decision making processes, including expenditure and revenue estimations, and cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analyses, will also be explored.

EDLD 821 Critical Role of Partnerships in Community College Leadership (3 Credits)

This course focuses on the need for and value of educational, industry, and financial partnerships. Students will learn how to identify, initiate, develop, implement, and assess partnerships with high schools, colleges/universities, employers, and funders. Focus will be on how community college partnerships can increase student success and reduce equity gaps.

Pre-Requisite: EDLD 815 Strategic Planning, Assessment, and Innovation

EDLD 825 Legal Issues, Policies, and Ethical Practices in the Community College (3 Credits)

This course focuses on laws and policies related to community college leadership. Course topics include legal sources, structure, and liability, ethics, civil rights, employment, and faculty and student rights and responsibilities. Candidates review court cases that establish a framework for decision-making, professional and ethical practice to ensure culturally proficient leadership.

Prerequisites: Leadership Theory and Change Management

EDLD 826 Strategic Human Resource Management (3 Credits)

This course examines theories, models and best practices related to human resources in the community college setting. The focus will be on aligning human resources to community college strategic plans and objectives, recruiting, hiring, and supporting diverse faculty and staff, collaborating with unions, and exploring innovative human resource strategies.

EDLD 829 Essentials of Scholarly Writing (2 Credits)

Students will learn the art of scholarly writing at the doctoral level. Students will develop strong writing habits and learn essential skills such as organizing ideas, perfecting paragraph structure, crafting effective topic sentences and transitions, providing evidence for ideas, mastering the mechanics of writing, and developing productive writing mindsets.

EDLD 830 Scholarly Writing in Practice (2 Credits)

Students will strengthen their scholarly writing skills through revision and editing processes. Using a change management lens, students will learn how to tell compelling stories to various audiences. Students will engage in self-assessment and peer-review to develop and strengthen writing skills needed as community college leaders and for publication.

EDLD 831 The Scholarly Practitioner (3 Credits)

This course is an introduction to the dissertation process. The focus is on using research and theory to identify and solve complex problems of practice related to equity and social justice issues in community colleges. Being a critical consumer and contributor to scholarly literature will be emphasized.

Pre-requisite: EDLD 810 and 811; Co-Requisite: EDLD 812.

Co-Requisite: EDLD 812.

EDLD 832 Educational Research I (3 Credits)

This course introduces students to commonly used descriptive and inferential statistics and research methods such as quantitative, qualitative, implementation science, and mixed methods that can be used to investigate problems of practice. This course will enable students to determine appropriate methods and carefully evaluate research.

EDLD 833 Educational Research II (3 Credits)

Students will learn how to ethically collect, analyze, and interpret quantitative and qualitative data to determine the effectiveness of programs, policies, and practices in community colleges. Document reviews, surveys, interviews, and focus groups, along with traditional student success outcome data, will be used to inform decisions.

EDLD 834 Curricular and Instructional Leadership (3 Credits)

This course focuses on the roles and responsibilities of academic leaders. Course topics include curriculum development, instructional support, course and program assessment, faculty evaluation. and professional growth planning. Supporting the success of all learners through effective decisions and supports related to curriculum and instruction is emphasized.

EDLD 840 Mentoring I (1 Credit)

Students will learn how to maximize learning through mentorship and establish relationships with their mentor and other key stakeholders at their experiential learning placement. Working with a professional mentor, students will engage in self-assessment and develop a professional growth plan aimed at improving leadership skills and building content expertise.

EDLD 841 Student Services Leadership (3 Credits)

This course focuses on the roles and responsibilities of student service leaders. Course topics include creating safe, inclusive environments, enrollment management, providing holistic student support and co-curricular engagement opportunities, managing crisis situations, and evaluating staff and programs. Emphasis is on supporting all learners through theory and research-based decisions.

EDLD 850 Experiential Learning I (2 Credits)

Students will provide at least 50 hours of virtual coaching and project-based support to a community college partner. The focus of the service-learning project will be determined in collaboration with the community college partner and approved by mentoring coordinator. To support this work, students will receive mentoring from a professional.

EDLD 855 Experiential Learning II (2 Credits)

In this second experiential learning course, students will provide another 50 hours of virtual coaching and project-based support to a community college partner. To support this work, students will receive mentoring from a professional.

EDLD 860 Mentoring II (1 Credit)

In this second mentoring course, students will continue to develop leadership and change management skills, along with content expertise, by working with a professional mentor. At the conclusion of the yearlong experiential learning component of the doctoral program, students will engage in self-assessment and reflect on professional growth.

EDLD 930 Dissertation in Practice I (2 Credits)

Students will learn how to ethically engage in the program evaluation dissertation process. The Institutional Review Board (IRB) process and preparing for the dissertation proposal defense will be emphasized.

EDLD 935 Dissertation in Practice II (2 Credits)

Students will engage in the program evaluation dissertation data collection process. The emphasis will be on ethically collecting quantitative and qualitative data from various sources to answer program evaluation questions.

EDLD 940 Dissertation in Practice III (2 Credits)

Students will analyze and interpret data collected to answer identified program evaluation questions. The emphasis will be on accurately communicating data findings to key stakeholders. Students will learn how to effectively communicate program evaluation findings in narrative and visual formats.

EDLD 990 Maintenance of Matriculation for Doctorate in Community College Leadership (3 Credits)

This course is designed for students to work one-on-one with their dissertation chairs and other committee members to complete their dissertations. The student will demonstrate rigorous program evaluation data collection and reporting and a synthesis of their conclusions with related literature.