Secondary Education—Teacher Certification, M.A.T.

This concentration within the Master of Arts in Teaching Program is designed for individuals who have completed a baccalaureate degree and who have proven themselves competent in their subject matter. Students who complete the certification part of this program will be eligible for a Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing endorsement on a New Jersey Instructional License in their specific subject area.

Program is now fully online (aside from clinical practice experiences) to provide a maximum amount of flexibility.

The subject areas available for this certification include: English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics, Physical Science, Social Studies, and Spanish. Successful completion of this program enables individuals to become effective educators by meeting the wide-ranging needs of learners with vastly different experiences, language backgrounds, economic statuses, and cultures. The program prepares candidates to incorporate technology into their classroom activities, respond to varied learning styles, and keep pace with education trends and demands.

The Master of Arts in Teaching–Secondary Education Specialization is designed to accommodate full- and part-time students. The program requires field experiences in which candidates teach lessons to a student or a small group of students. In the final semester, students must be available for full-time student teaching. Clinical Placements will be within a 20-mile radius from New Jersey City University.


  • A minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point average (CGPA) of 3.0.
  • A minimum of B- or better on all education courses


  • Completion of NJCU General Education requirements or equivalent
  • Successful completion of major in intended content area
  • Passing scores on appropriate Praxis II Exam
  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • Successful completion of Clinical Practice 1 and Clinical Practice 2 (student teaching)
  • Students will be required to complete a sequence of 50 observation hours in Phase I as per New Jersey Department of Education guidelines

Note: For the most updated information on this teaching certification program, students are directed to contact the College of Education as changes may have occurred since publication.

Required Courses
EDU 654Urban Challenge3
EDU 628Learning and Motivation3
SPEC 508Helping Exceptional Children and Youth in the Inclusive Classroom3
EDTC 621Leading Curriculum Change Using the Internet3
LTED 607Reading Secondary School3
SPEC 675Corrective Techniques for Teaching the Exceptional Student3
EDU TBD :Subject Specific Methods 3
EDU 651Clinical Practice I1
EDU 655Clinical Practice II4
EDU 621Research Methods in Education3
EDU 619Research Seminar3
Total Credits32

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Secondary Education-Teacher Certification program, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate mastery of the subject matter they plan to teach.
  2. Demonstrate their pedagogical knowledge, integrating their understanding of their pupils’ developmental levels, individual differences, learning exceptionalities, and sociocultural backgrounds.
  3. Demonstrate effective instruction, caring behavior, and reflection to improve practice.
  4. Know and value how individuals are shaped by their life experiences as mediated by factors such as social class, gender, race, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, age, and social needs. Our candidates know, value, and engage in culturally responsive teaching to promote social justice, particularly in our urban areas.
  5. Use appropriate technology in carrying out their professional responsibilities.