
Rossey Hall, Room 405

Nursing constitutes the greatest segment of the health care workforce. Based on an extensive review of this workforce, in 2010, the Institute for Medicine (IOM) published recommendations for nurse-led solutions to improving the quality of health care in the U.S. (IOM, 2010). These include nurses be full partners, with physicians and other health professionals, in redesigning health care in the United States; and that nurses achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression (2010). The Nursing Department at NJCU is proud to offer graduate programs that assist nurses in working towards these goals.                                                                                                                                               

The challenges of a complex, dynamic, and often fragmented health care delivery system accentuate the need for nurses to emerge as leaders and change agents. To this end, nurses must be prepared to address the explosion of information, expanding technologies, increasing diversity, and global perspectives that are implicit in nursing delivery, education, and policy making. 

The graduate nursing programs at NJCU are designed to prepare nurses to navigate and integrate care across the healthcare systems, design innovative nursing practices, translate evidence into practice, build and lead collaborative interprofessional care teams, lead change for quality health outcomes; and advance a culture of excellence through lifelong learning (AACN, 2011). The programs equip nurses with the enhanced nursing knowledge and skills required for flexible leadership and critical action within complex, changing systems, including health, academic, community and other organizational systems. 

Nelda Ephraim, Chair 
Assistant Professor of Nursing, Graduate Coordinator
Thomas Edison State College, B.S.N., M.S.N.; Capella University, Ph.D.

Denise Branchizio
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Seton Hall University, B.S., University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, M.S.N.; Rutgers University, D.N.P.

Shanda Johnson
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Rutgers University, B.S.N., M.S.N., Ph.D.

Marie E. Montanez
Assistant Professor of Nursing, ABSN Coordinator

Joyce Wright
Associate Professor of Nursing, RN to BSN Program Coordinator
Rutgers University, B.S.N.; Seton Hall Uni­versity, M.S.; Widener University, Ph.D.

The Nursing Department at NJCU offers the Master of Science in Nursing Degree with a Specialization in School Nursing, and a Graduate-level Certificate tailored to meet your specific academic and professional goals. Part-time, full-time, online, and in-person flexibility aligns with applied content.

No GRE or MAT required.  Verification of unencumbered nursing license required. Get the preparation you need for advanced careers in nursing.

NURS 600 Science Of Health Promotion (3 Credits)

This course prepares the nurse to focus on population health and application of the principals of primary healthcare, the strategies of health promotion and epidemiology concepts when nursing individuals, families, communities and populations. Professional, legal/ethical, economic, cultural and environmental issues as they apply to health promotion are examined.

NURS 601 Theory Development in Advanced Practice Nursing Science (3 Credits)

This course explores the historical development of nursing knowledge, nursing theory and philosophical underpinnings in the arenas of evidence based practice, education, administration, and research. Nursing theories are explored for content, utility, and testability. Concept development is explored in the context of theory generation. Future directions for nursing theory development are investigated.

NURS 609 Healthcare Delivery Systems and Social Policy (3 Credits)

This course emphasizes health policy as it relates to healthcare delivery and nursing practice in the US healthcare system. The student will analyze health policy development, implementation and influence on health outcomes and the nursing profession. The role of the advance practice nurse in health policy will be evaluated.

NURS 610 Research Methodology (3 Credits)

This course will prepare the graduate nursing student to be proficient in: research as essential to the role of the advanced practice nurse, apply research concepts by conducting rigorous critiques and synthesizing data to generate nursing evidence and demonstrate proficiency in the development of a research proposal.

NURS 614 Role of the School Nurse I: Care Coordination (3 Credits)

This course prepares nurses to provide and coordinate care for well children and children with chronic and acute health conditions in the school setting. Emphasis is on management of school health services. Standards of professional practice and state regulations related to the provision of school health services are examined.

NURS 616 Role of the School Nurse II: Reducing Barriers to Health & Learning (3 Credits)

This course prepares nurses to coordinate care for students with mental and behavioral health concerns, and those with medically complex and medically fragile health conditions. Emphasis is on the application of evidence based strategies in the reduction of adolescent high risk behaviors, and other barriers to health and academic success.

NURS 620 Measurement and Evaluation Methods (3 Credits)

This course prepares students to apply assessment and measurement techniques in testing and evaluation. The quality of assessment and measurement instruments, test creation, and the reliability and validity of instruments will be applied to the respective educational setting. The selection, interpretation and application of standardized testing will be presented.

NURS 621 Curriculum, Design, Development and Evaluation in Nursing Education (3 Credits)

This course encompasses the theoretical and philosophical foundations for curriculum design, development, and evaluation in professional nursing education. Historical, contemporary and emerging curricular models are addressed. The role of the nurse educator in curricular development and evaluation process is reviewed. Evaluation and accreditation of nursing education is explored.

NURS 622 Curriculum Design, Development & Evaluation in School Health Education (3 Credits)

This course covers development of health education curriculum inclusive of instructional design methodologies, pedagogical approaches, learning objectives, assessment and evaluation for all levels of education, (K-12). Contemporary health and learning theories are examined. A skills-based approach is used in the application of state and national standards to formal instruction.

NURS 625 Pedagogical Teaching and Learning Strategies in Nurse Education (3 Credits)

This course focuses on teaching and learning strategies in nursing education. Diverse pedagogical strategies are explored inclusive of conventional strategies and emergent andragogical models reflective of critical, feminist, phenomenological and postmodern approaches to the teaching of nursing knowledge and practice. Learning theories reflective of the multicultural, diverse learner are reviewed.

NURS 630 Advanced Pathopharmacology (4 Credits)

This course focuses on pathophysiology of common health conditions affecting human beings across the lifespan. The pathophysiologic bases and pharmacotherapeutic agents utilized in the treatment of common health conditions and associated clinical manifestations will be analyzed to formulate individualized plans of care for patients and families.

NURS 642 Advanced Health Assessment (3 Credits)

This course builds upon undergraduate health assessment knowledge and skills to provide competencies need for the Advanced Practice Nurse. The Advanced Practice Nurse is expected to synthesize data collected and interpret findings to establish evidence based interventions to meet patient and family needs.

NURS 670 Nurse Educator Practicum I (3 Credits)

This course examines the role the nurse educator. Precepted clinical experiences provide advanced direct care role development and education experiences in undergraduate academic and/or clinical settings. Completion of 120 hours are required in an educational arena; with an additional 30 hours for direct care role development through advanced practice nursing care.

Pre-Requisite(s): All Graduate Nursing Courses with the exception of NURS 620,671, and 679.

NURS 671 Nurse Educator Practicum II (3 Credits)

This course expands the role of the nurse educator and direct care roles examined in Nurse Educator Practicum I. 120 Clinical hours are required in an educational arena; with an additional 30 hours for direct care role development. Population health and education experiences in academic and/or clinical settings are provided.

Pre-Requisite(s): All Graduate Courses except NURS 679

NURS 672 School Nurse Practicum I (3 Credits)

This course examines the role of the school nurse. Precepted clinical experiences are faculty supervised and evaluated, and provide advanced direct care role development in the school setting. Completion of 120 hours are required in a school setting, with an additional 30 hours for direct care role development.

NURS 673 School Nurse Health Education & Promotion Practicum (3 Credits)

This supervised practicum exposes students to the school nurse's role in health promotion and formal health education in the K-12 setting. Course outcomes are aligned with the Framework for 21st Century School Nursing Practice®, Graduate Competencies for Standards of School Nursing Practice, and NJ Learning Standards for Health Education.

Prerequisite(s): NURS 600, NURS 616, NURS 622 and NURS 642.

NURS 679 Capstone: Program Evaluation (3 Credits)

The capstone course will integrate all aspects of the Masters in Nursing program by focusing on program evaluation. Students will utilize competencies developed in the graduate program to focus on the comprehensive process of program evaluation from assessment to evaluation of various education programs.