Biochemistry, B.S.

The interdisciplinary Biochemistry program will enable and prepare students to pursue careers in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, healthcare, and food and cosmetics, and/or to continue their education and research in life sciences and medicine. Students in the Biochemistry program will learn theoretical fundamentals and hands-on laboratory skills, and will be exposed to the in-depth study of complex chemical changes that occur at the molecular and cellular levels, which is essential to the understanding of life processes. The major focus will be the chemical basis and molecular logic of life, including energy in biological systems, macromolecular structures and functions, information storage and flow, evolution, and homeostasis. In addition, students in the program will engage in professional and ethical conduct and meaningful research to achieve academic excellence.

Program Curriculum

Pre-requisite courses

MATH 175Enhanced Precalculus4
CHEM 100Preparation for General Chemistry3
PHYS 100Preparation for Physics3

Required courses (total 72 credits)

Mathematics and Physics (17 credits)

MATH 140Statistics I3
MATH 192Calculus and Analytic Geometry I4
MATH 193Calculus and Analytic Geometry II4
PHYS 140Principles of Physics I - Lecture3
PHYS 1140Principles of Physics I - Laboratory and recitation1
PHYS 141Principles of Physics II - Lecture3
PHYS 1141Principles of Physics II - Laboratory and Recitation1
Total Credits19

Chemistry and Biology

CHEM 105General Chemistry I Lecture3
CHEM 1105General Chemistry I Recitation/Laboratory2
CHEM 106General Chemistry II Lecture3
CHEM 1106General Chemistry II Recitation/Laboratory2
CHEM 205Analytical Chemistry Lec3
or CHEM 316 Instrumental Analysis, Lecture
CHEM 2205Analytical Chemistry Laboratory2
or CHEM 3316 Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Laboratory
CHEM 207Organic Chemistry I3
CHEM 2207Organic Chemistry I Laboratory1
CHEM 208Organic Chemistry II3
CHEM 2208Organic Chemistry II Laboratory1
CHEM 305Physical Chemistry I3
CHEM 307Biochemistry I4
CHEM 308Biochemistry II4
CHEM 405Seminar1
BIOL 130Principles Biology I4
BIOL 131Principles Biology II4
BIOL 230Cell Biology4
BIOL 303Microbiology4
BIOL 304Genetics4
Total Credits55

Required elective courses: select from the following courses (total of 7 credits)

CHEM 220Environmental Chemistry4
CHEM 316Instrumental Analysis, Lecture3
CHEM 3316Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Laboratory2
CHEM 401Medicinal Chemistry3
CHEM 420Food Chemistry4
CHEM 492Chemical Research 22-3
or CHEM 493 Chemical Research
or BIOL 350 Biology Research
or BIOL 450 Biology Research
BIOL 252Evolution: A Biological and Geological Approach3
BIOL 301General Physiology4
BIOL 404Immunology3
BIOL 406Molecular Genetics4

Only one research course (CHEM 492/493, BIOL 350/450) may be counted toward major required elective.

The B.S. in Biochemistry program will focus on the development of durable, translatable skills and strong fundamental knowledge. The program enables students to develop life-long learning capability with a vigorous grounding in its core concepts nurtured through a continual, progressive emphasis on critical reasoning skills, experiential learning, and the ability to communicate information and concepts in a clear, accurate, and organized form using both the written and spoken word.

The B.S. in Biochemistry consists of foundation courses in chemistry, biology, physics, and mathematics with core courses in biochemistry focusing on the molecular and cellular understanding of biological processes in terms of energy, structure and function, information storage and processing, in the context of the pervasive role of evolution and homeostasis.