Chemistry, B.A.

The Bachelor of Arts degree program in chemistry provides a background in chemistry. This program will prepare one for a career in chemical and related industries, forensic and environmental science, and secondary science education. This program is also appropriate for medical, dental, optometric, osteopathic, law, and pharmacy schools.

There are no requirements for admission to this degree track, but students are encouraged to begin taking MATH 192 and MATH 193 Calculus and Analytical Geometry I and II (Prerequisite MATH 175 Enhanced Precalculus), PHYS 140 and PHYS 141 Principles of Physics I and II (Prerequisite PHYS 100, Preparation for Physics), CHEM 105 and CHEM 106 General Chemistry I & II (Prerequisite CHEM 100 Preparation for General Chemistry) as early as possible in their academic careers.

CHEM 105General Chemistry I Lecture3
CHEM 1105General Chemistry I Recitation/Laboratory2
CHEM 106General Chemistry II Lecture3
CHEM 1106General Chemistry II Recitation/Laboratory2
CHEM 207Organic Chemistry I3
CHEM 2207Organic Chemistry I Laboratory1
CHEM 208Organic Chemistry II3
CHEM 2208Organic Chemistry II Laboratory1
CHEM 205Analytical Chemistry Lec 13
CHEM 2205Analytical Chemistry Laboratory 12
CHEM 307Biochemistry I4
CHEM 316Instrumental Analysis, Lecture 23
CHEM 3316Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Laboratory 22
CHEM 305Physical Chemistry I 13
CHEM 405Seminar 11
CHEM 416Inorganic Chemistry 23
Select a minimum of three credits from the following courses:3
CHEM 220Environmental Chemistry4
CHEM 306Physical Chemistry II, Lecture 23
CHEM 308Biochemistry II4
CHEM 3306Physical Chemistry II Recitation/Laboratory 22
CHEM 430Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Compounds3
CHEM 401Medicinal Chemistry3
CHEM 412Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory2
CHEM 414Advanced Organic Chemistry3
CHEM 420Food Chemistry4
CHEM 425Nanomaterial and Microelectronic Fabrication3
CHEM 435Materials Chemistry3
Required Supporting Courses in Math, Physics and Computer Science:19
MATH 192Calculus and Analytic Geometry I4
MATH 193Calculus and Analytic Geometry II4
PHYS 140Principles of Physics I - Lecture3
PHYS 1140Principles of Physics I - Laboratory and recitation1
PHYS 141Principles of Physics II - Lecture3
PHYS 1141Principles of Physics II - Laboratory and Recitation1
INTD 180Computer Tools For Science and Mathematics3

Offered in fall only.


Offered in spring only. 

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the Chemistry program, students will be able to:

  1. Identify the fundamental concepts in: general, organic, inorganic, analytical, physical and biological chemistry.
  2. Quantitatively and qualitatively describe molecular behavior.
  3. Design and conduct laboratory experiments, perform calculations, and interpret results to draw reasonable conclusions.
  4. Demonstrate discipline-specific writing skills.
  5. Use modern library searching and retrieval methods to obtain information about a topic, chemical, chemical technique.