English—Creative Writing, Minor

The minor in English consists of six courses (18 credits) with a concentration in either Literature or Creative Writing. Students minor in English by completing 18 credits in English courses numbered 200 or higher. Students pursuing a minor in English must work closely with a faculty advisor to design a coherent program.

Required Courses
ENGL 213Introduction to the Study of Literature 13
Restricted Electives
Take at least 9 credits of the following:9
ENGL 301Narrative Workshop3
ENGL 349Special Topics in Creative Writing3
ENGL 354The Craft of Narrative3
ENGL 355The Craft of Poetry3
ENGL 376Poetry Workshop3
ENGL 383Playwriting Workshop3
ENGL 386Memoir Workshop3
ENGL 390The Craft of Prose3
ENGL 392The Craft of Memoir3
ENGL 395Creative Nonfiction Workshop3
The remaining six credits may be earned in any English courses at the 200 level with the exception of English 200. These include courses in literature, creative writing, or language studies. See online course catalog for the full list.6
Total Credits 18

Students may take one of the English Department’s General Education courses in lieu of ENGL213.  This course should be taken early in a student’s minor, preferably in the first semester.