Finance, B.S.

The Bachelor of Science in Finance program helps students to develop an understanding of the role of financial institutions, gain knowledge of how assets and liabilities are managed, and learn the strategies for financial planning and risk management in domestic and international markets. 

A degree in finance prepares graduates for careers in commercial banking, corporate treasury, insurance, investment banking, and real estate. Students also acquire the business skills necessary to launch and grow their own businesses. 

A Bachelor of Science in Finance degree prepares students for graduate studies in all areas of business.

Once matriculated at NJCU, transfer students must complete at least 30 credits at NJCU to satisfy the university’s residency requirement. Students must also maintain a GPA of 2.5 or better in courses taken in the School of Business. Students must earn a grade of C or higher in each School of Business course (ACCT, BUSI, ECON, FINC, MGMT, MKTG) used in fulfillment of a graduation requirement.

Common Core Requirements (33 credits)
MGMT 225Business Enterprise Applications3
MGMT 251Operations and Project Management Fundamentals3
ECON 203Business Statistics3
MGMT 211Principles of Management3
MKTG 231Principles of Marketing3
MGMT 241Global Business3
ACCT 251Financial Accounting3
ACCT 252Management Accounting3
MGMT 235Business Law I: Legal Environment of Business3
FINC 371Managerial Finance3
MGMT 411Business Policy3
Major Requirements (18 credits)
FINC 320Investment Principles for Financial Planning3
ECON 364Money & Banking3
FINC 364International Finance3
FINC 473Portfolio Analysis3
FINC 474Capital Markets & Financial Institutions3
FINC 471Seminar:Issues in Corporate Finance3
Finance Major Electives (6 credits): Any two courses from the following list:
FINC 215Real Estate Principles I3
FINC 305Introduction to Data Science3
FINC 330Tax Planning3
FINC 370Entrepreneurial Finance3
FINC 375Essentials of Professional Financial Planning3
FINC 391Foreign Trade3
FINC 405Programming Basics for Business Analytics and Data Science3
FINC 420Principles of Estate & Insurance Planning3
FINC 435Financial Planning for Retirement, Benefits, & Education3
FINC 404Risk Management and Insurance3
FINC 425Spreadsheet Applications in Business and Finance3
ACCT 253Quick Books3
ACCT 351Intermediate Accounting I3
ECON 320Econometrics3
MGMT 312Human Resource Management3
MGMT 413Business Information Systems3
MKTG 331Consumer Behavior3
General Education Courses Required
MATH 164Pre-Calculus for Business Students4
ECON 207Principles of Economics:Macro3
ECON 208Principles of Economics:Micro3
Total: 54 credits

*Students must earn a C or better in all Business courses

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Bachelor of Science in Finance, students will be able to:

  1. Identify ethical issues and understand the implications of social responsibility for sustainable business practices.
  2. Evaluate information and apply critical thinking skills to identify solutions and inform business decisions.
  3. Utilize technology, apply quantitative methods and interpret data to solve business problems.
  4. Integrate knowledge of core business concepts and collaborate productively as part of a team.
  5. Work effectively in a diverse environment and understand how global and cultural issues effect the organization and its stakeholders.
  6. Compose clear and concise forms of written communication to effectively convey ideas and information associated with business topics.
  7. Communicate business concepts effectively through oral presentation.
  8. Apply financial concepts and tools to analyze problems and inform business decisions in a global economy.