Deborah Cannon Partridge Wolfe College of Education

Professional Studies Building, Room 303

Dr.  Lourdes Sutton, Acting Dean
Mary Robinson, Principal Clerk-Typist

The mission of the Deborah Cannon Partridge Wolfe College of Education is to prepare educators to empower every student. NJCU's location in the heart of an urban metropolis shapes our commitment to addressing the needs of students in the contemporary urban, multicultural, and multilingual classroom. The College of Education is dedicated to the belief that education is transformative and empowering and that social justice can best be accomplished through an educated citizenry. The College has a longstanding tradition of preparing distinguished educators for our community, our country, and our world.

It is the College's guiding philosophy to incorporate a student-centered constructivist model and research-based practices to allow all learners to realize their potential. The goal of the College of Education is to prepare candidates to think critically and reflectively about the needs of individual learners, the educational community, and the greater community, and to act in a just and equitable manner.

The College offers a Doctorate in Education, master’s and bachelor's degree programs, and certification eligibility programs across five academic departments:

  • Counselor Education
  • Educational Technology
  • Multicultural Leadership
  • Special Education
  • Teaching, Learning, and Literacy

The College of Education is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Education Preparation (CAEP), and programs in the Counselor Education Department are accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). All certification eligibility programs are approved by the New Jersey Department of Education.

A. Harry Moore Laboratory School for Special Education

Jason Jusino, Principal
2078 John F. Kennedy Boulevard

The A. Harry Moore Laboratory School is located at the easternmost edge of the NJCU campus. The school provides approximately 180 children with multiple disabilities a comprehensive public education supplemented by physical, occupational, recreational, and speech therapies. The A. Harry Moore Laboratory School and the Deborah Cannon Partridge Wolfe College of Education work together to provide learning experiences and field placements for graduate and undergraduate students preparing for careers as teachers and other professional school personnel. The facilities offer many opportunities for linking classwork with observation and practice. For more information, contact the Principal of the A. Harry Moore Laboratory School or the Dean of the Deborah Cannon Partridge Wolfe College of Education.

Center for Teacher Preparation and Partnerships

Brandi Warren, Director
Professional Studies Building, Room 203A


The Center for Teacher Preparation and Partnerships serves as a liaison between New Jersey City University and the education community in supporting P-12 school partnerships. Students inquiring about clinical components are invited to contact the CTPP or visit the appropriate academic department.

The Center for Teacher Preparation and Partnerships works collaboratively with various departments to:

  1. Place approved candidates into educational clinical components, including the full semester of clinical practice.
  2. Coordinate joint activities between the University and the public schools.
  3. Support educational partnership activities with community colleges, partner schools, and school districts.
  4. Process teacher certification applications.

Children's Learning Center

Hepburn Hall


The Children's Learning Center consists of a fully licensed and accredited preschool and pre-kindergarten classroom as well as drop-in childcare services—all at an extremely competitive cost to parents.  In addition, the center serves as a training site for NJCU students.  The Children's Learning Center provides a setting that supports NJCU students in their preprofessional field experience.