William J. Maxwell College of Arts and Sciences

George Karnoutsos Arts and Sciences Hall, Room 605

Dr. Scott Mittman, Interim Dean 

Dr. Amparo Fabra, Interim Associate Dean for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences 

Dr. Frédéric Mynard, Interim Associate Dean of STEM and Psychology 

Sarah Ambrose-Roman, Executive Assistant to the Dean, Student Affairs

Paul Robertson, Finance and Operations Manager 

Cheryl Moore, Administrative Assistant

The William J. Maxwell College of Arts and Sciences is a community of teachers and learners committed to cultivating the life of the mind and engendering a passion for knowledge. Seeking to help students achieve their personal academic and career goals, the William J. Maxwell College of Arts and Sciences provides an intellectual setting for the development of scholarship, creativity, and the fundamental cross- and interdisciplinary skills that are the hallmark of a liberal education. In our general education program students have the opportunity to develop the breadth and depth of their knowledge across the arts, humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences. Through our broad range of academic majors and minors, students pursue in-depth studies and professional learning opportunities in their disciplinary areas of interest. The faculty of the college, committed to nurturing the whole person and motivated by a love for lifelong learning and a desire to impart this to our students, are devoted to their own ongoing formation as teachers and scholars both within and across their disciplines. Central to the mission of the William J. Maxwell College of Arts and Sciences is our commitment to service, leadership, tolerance, ethics, citizenship, and mutual respect. Through our commitment to these core values, we make visible our recognition of the value of diversity in all its richness as the real-life classroom for today’s world citizen.

The Liberal Arts

The basic task of education is to make one’s journey through life meaningful. This is accomplished by passing on to succeeding generations the accumulated thoughts, values, and insights of culture and learning, including accomplishments in art, history, language, literature, music, and philosophy—studies which are referred to collectively as the humanities. Education also encompasses scientific questions about the nature of the universe and life on this planet as well as the kinds of people and societies that find such questions important in the first place. These are the focus of studies in the natural and social sciences.

All of this describes the “liberal arts”—the intellectual foundation of a university. That foundation is not viewed as something that is immutable and permanent any more than the bricks and mortar that comprise the buildings and classrooms are. Indeed, learning and critical thinking creates change and the development of new ideas. Being ready to participate in this exciting and ongoing process is a fundamental educational goal of the general education, disciplinary, and interdisciplinary curriculum at New Jersey City University.

The William J. Maxwell College of Arts and Sciences offers students a broad foundation in the liberal arts through the general education program and its disciplinary and interdisciplinary majors and minors. These courses of study will prepare students for meaningful careers in a variety of areas. For those students interested in pursuing a course of study that will lead to professional careers, achievement in the liberal arts contributes to the realization of their goals.

Interdisciplinary Studies

William J. Maxwell College of Arts and Sciences
George Karnoutsos Arts and Sciences Hall, Room 605

Interdisciplinary Studies (INTD)

INTD 180 Computer Tools For Science and Mathematics (3 Credits)

This course offers an introduction to the use of such applications as Derive, Converge, Geometer’s Sketchpad, Matlab, Maple, Scientific Workplace, and Microsoft Office. Students majoring in mathematics or the natural sciences should consult their departments to determine if this course is required or recommended for their degree track. Note: This course does not substitute for INTD 120 Computer as a Tool.

INTD 400 International Education (16 Credits)

Study abroad program.

INTD 401 International Education (12 Credits)

Study abroad program with "provider". Billing units set to "0" at NJCU. Student pays provider. As of 12/17/2013, it was agreed that billing units will no longer be changed to "0".