Art—B.F.A., Concentration in Photography

Photography is the practice of creating durable images by capturing light. Photography has applications in the fine arts and in published media, such as photojournalism, advertising, or forensic imaging. Over the last few decades, artwork based on photography has come to occupy a position of great importance in contemporary art. This concentration leads to the development of a cohesive body of work, a professional portfolio, and BFA exhibition. 


  • A minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point average (CGPA) in Art Courses of 3.0.
  • BFA students are required to pass a Senior Review and Exhibition in order to complete the program.


Transfer students may have up to 30 credits from an Associates in Fine Arts Degree applied to major course requirements in the BFA program if approved by a faculty advisor or the department chair.

Required Foundation Courses:12
ART 110Two Dimensional Design3
ART 111Three Dimensional Design3
ART 115Drawing Studio I3
ART 185Computer Graphics3
Required Art History Courses:12
ART 106Contemporary Art3
ART 120History of Photography3
ART 131World Art II3
Art History Elective (200-400 level) 3
Required Studio Courses:36
ART 230Photography I3
ART 244Large Format Phototography3
ART 309Silkscreen3
ART 350Photography II3
ART 352Studio Lighting3
ART 353Documentary Photo3
ART 354Photographics3
ART 356Advanced Darkroom Techniques3
ART 357Digital Imaging Photography3
ART 358Advanced Digital Imaging3
ART 444Photo as a Fine Art3
ART 445Professional Application of Photography3
Art/Co-Op Electives:15
Select 5 Art courses in consultation with a faculty advisor
Required BFA Courses:6
ART 450Portfolio Preparation1
ART 465Bachelor Fine Arts Seminar1
ART 398Studio Research I2
ART 399Studio Research II2
Total Art Credits: 81

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the B.F.A., concentration in Photography​​, students will be able to: 

  1. Compose artworks in a range of visual art studio practices with technical proficiency.
  2. Analyze formal elements of works of art, craft, and design or other items of material culture.
  3. Interpret works of art in light of the social and historic context in which they were produced.
  4. Develop a professional art/design portfolio.
  5. Produce an art/design exhibition thesis.