Biology, B.S-Environmental and Organismal Biology

Core Biology Requirements

BIOL 130Principles Biology I4
BIOL 131Principles Biology II4
BIOL 304Genetics4
BIOL 440Biology Seminar1

Core Science and Mathematics

MATH 140Statistics I3
MATH 192Calculus and Analytic Geometry I4
PHYS 140Principles of Physics I - Lecture3
PHYS 1140Principles of Physics I - Laboratory and recitation1
PHYS 141Principles of Physics II - Lecture3
PHYS 1141Principles of Physics II - Laboratory and Recitation1
CHEM 105General Chemistry I Lecture3
CHEM 1105General Chemistry I Recitation/Laboratory2
CHEM 106General Chemistry II Lecture3
CHEM 1106General Chemistry II Recitation/Laboratory2
CHEM 207Organic Chemistry I3
CHEM 2207Organic Chemistry I Laboratory1

Concentration Specific Requirements

BIOL 203Biology of the Environment4
BIOL 252Evolution: A Biological and Geological Approach3
BIOL 402Ecology4
CHEM 220Environmental Chemistry4

Concentration Specific Electives

BIOL 232Invertebrate Zoology4
BIOL 233Principles of Botany4
BIOL 301General Physiology4
BIOL 308Plant Taxonomy4
BIOL 302Plant Physiology4
BIOL 231Comparative Anatomy4
BIOL 418Scanning Electron Microscopy4
BIOL 419Transmission Electron Microscopy4
BIOL 332Field Ecology4
BIOL 303Microbiology4
BIOL 401Developmental Biology4
BIOL 450Biology Research3
CHEM 307Biochemistry I4

Free Electives (11-12 Credits)

Total - 120 credits

Graduates of the EOB Concentration will be able to:

1. Describe and analyze all aspects of the life of organisms, including their biodiversity, anatomical structure, physiology, development, biogeography, and ecology.

2. Describe and analyze the patterns and processes of genetic changes within populations over time.

3. Describe and analyze interactions between organisms and the environment, and how ecosystems function, including adaptation, distribution patterns, community interactions, biogeochemical cycles, and the effects of climate and climate change on these interactions.

4. Apply the research tools and methods used in the study of environmental and organismal biology.

5. Articulate how science relates to current problems in the modern world, especially contemporary concerns such as conservation biology, climate change, and ecosystem degradation.

6. Demonstrate understanding of scientific inquiry and explain how scientific knowledge is discovered and validated.

7. Apply quantitative knowledge and reasoning to describe or explain phenomena in the natural world.

8. Communicate scientific information in written and/or oral formats. 

9. Enter into careers or pursue graduate or professional degrees utilizing skillset acquired in their major studies.