English—Creative Writing, B.A.

Students following the Creative Writing concentration engage at every level of the creative process, from the cultivation and drafting of an idea to its publication and performance. Sharing a core with the other concentrations in which the fundamental skills of critical reading are developed and some of the intellectual and cultural issues in the fields of British, American, and World literature are explored, these students take three creative writing workshops and three craft seminars in which they learn to write in a variety of genres (poetry, memoir, fiction, and creative nonfiction) and to read for craft and technique. In English 412, the Capstone Seminar, students explore the challenges of writing a creative manuscript in a genre of their choice.

ENGL 213Introduction to the Study of Literature3
ENGL 219Making Literature Matter3
ENGL 314Topics in American Literature3
ENGL 316Topics in British Literature3
ENGL 321Topics in World Literature3
ENGL 412Capstone Seminar in English3
Restricted Creative Writing Electives
Select three Creative Writing Workshops from the following:
ENGL 270Fiction Workshop3
ENGL 301Narrative Workshop3
ENGL 349Special Topics in Creative Writing3
ENGL 376Poetry Workshop3
ENGL 383Playwriting Workshop3
ENGL 386Memoir Workshop3
ENGL 395Creative Nonfiction Workshop3
Select three Creative Writing Craft Courses:
ENGL 354The Craft of Narrative3
ENGL 355The Craft of Poetry3
ENGL 390The Craft of Prose3
ENGL 392The Craft of Memoir3
Literature Elective
Select one literature course from the following:
ENGL 204Modern American Literature3
ENGL 205Queer Literature3
ENGL 209Children's & Young Adult Literature3
ENGL 214Science Fiction3
ENGL 215Multiethnic US Literature3
ENGL 218The Short Story3
ENGL 219Making Literature Matter3
ENGL 220African American Literature3
ENGL 226Women in Literature3
ENGL 227Early Modern Dramatic Literature3
ENGL 228Modern Dramatic Literature3
ENGL 230Classical Drama of Greece & Rome3
ENGL 231The Short Novel3
ENGL 303The Novel3
ENGL 305African American Women Writers3
ENGL 306Modern Poetry3
ENGL 307American Theatre3
ENGL 308Satire3
ENGL 309Epic3
ENGL 310Early British Theatre3
ENGL 312Early American Literature3
ENGL 313Stories of Teaching & Learning: Narratives of Education3
ENGL 318Postcolonial Literature3
ENGL 322Middle Eastern Literature: Writing Beyond Modernity3
ENGL 323World Poetry of 20th Century3
ENGL 324Irish Literature3
ENGL 326Eighteenth-Century British Literature3
ENGL 327Romanticism in England3
ENGL 328Literature of the Crusades3
ENGL 329Contemporary World Literature3
ENGL 330Elizabethan Literature3
ENGL 331Shakespeare I3
ENGL 332Shakespeare II3
ENGL 340Survey of U.S. Writers of Latin-American Descent3
ENGL 342Asian Literature3
ENGL 345Literature of Genocide3
ENGL 346
ENGL 347
ENGL 350Age of Chaucer3
ENGL 351African & Caribbean Women Writers3
ENGL 352Modern and Contemporary African Literature3
ENGL 353Mythical Themes in Literature3
ENGL 356Victorian Literature3
ENGL 363Single Author Study3
ENGL 389Literature of the Palestine–Israel Conflict3
ENGL 409Literary Theory3
ENGL 410Thematic Studies3
ENGL 420Major Cultural Conflicts in Literature3
Total Credits39
Notes and Policies: • The requirement for admission to the English Major is a cumulative grade point average of 2.0.• Only courses in which a grade of C or higher is earned will be applied to the major.  • All students must take a total of 13 courses in the major.    • English majors in all concentrations must complete ENGL 213 (Introduction to the Study of Literature) within the first nine credits in the major and ENGL 219 (Making Literature Matter) within the first fifteen, and must enroll in ENGL 412 (Senior Capstone Seminar) in their final year of classes.• English 213 is a pre/co-requisite for every 200-level course in the major.• English 219 is a pre/co-requisite for every 300-level literature course in the major.• Students in the Creative Writing concentration may substitute one literature elective for English 219.  • English 314, 316, and 321 (Topics courses) are all pre/co-requisites for every 400-level course in the major.• Majors may not take more than six 200-level courses, including English 213 and 219.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Creative Writing BA program, students will be able to:

  1. Summarize texts written in a variety of modes, styles, and discourses.
  2. Paraphrase texts written in a variety of modes, styles, and discourses.
  3. Perform close reading of literary works with attention to their formal features.
  4. Construct explication of texts written in a variety of literary modes.
  5. Analyze, synthesize, and integrate secondary materials into original analysis, interpretation, or argument.