Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies, Minor

Students who minor in Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies will learn about the complex geopolitical, economic, social, and environmental realities of the developing countries and territories to the south of the United States, with specific emphasis on the Caribbean region

LATI 114Studying Latin America 13
Restricted Electives
Select a minimum of six (6) credits from the following courses:6
LATI 122Archaeology of Mesoamerican Cultures 13
LATI 201Peoples and Cultures of the Caribbean 13
LATI 202Ethnicity, Racialism, and Culture in Mexico and Central America 13
LATI 215Migration and Transnationalism in Latin America 13
Select a minimum of six (6) credits from the following courses:6
LATI 125Sociological-Cultural Change In Latin America3
LATI 203Peoples & Cultures of South America3
LATI 204Latin American Communities in U.S.3
LATI 205Impacts of Modern Technology on Latin America and the Caribbean3
LATI 206Cuba & Puerto Rico in History Perspective3
LATI 207Seminar Topics in U.S. Latino Studies3
LATI 208Seminar:Topics in Latin American & Caribbean Studies3
LATI 209Sex and Gender in Latin America 13
LATI 210Latin American Novels as History3
LATI 211Music and Society in the Caribbean Region 23
LATI 212Drugs: History, Production, and Trade in Latin America 13
LATI 220Issues in Latin America3
LATI 250Portugal Brazil North America: Stories of Migration 13
LATI 303Challenges of Development: Latin America3
LATI 350Latinos and Language in the U.S. 13
Select a minimum of three (3) credits in courses related to Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies from courses in other departments and programs, in consultation with the Program Coordinator. The following courses are recommended:3
ART 327Art of Latin America3
ENGL 340Survey of U.S. Writers of Latin-American Descent3
ENGL 351African & Caribbean Women Writers3
HIST 162Introduction to Latin American Civilization3
HIST 318History and Culture: Cuba and Puerto Rico3
HIST 331History of the Dominican Republic3
HIST 333The History of Mexico3
LANG 255Violence and Resistance in Latin America 13
LANG 306Past and Present of Latin America3
LANG 308Voices And Texts Of Latin America3
LANG 309US Latinx Culture3
LANG 401Hispanic Literature of the Caribbean3
LANG 40620th Century Spanish-American Prose Literature3
LANG 408Colonial and Post -Colonial Studies3
LANG 410Latinx Writers3
MEDI 328Film Genre:Latin-American Film3
MDT 155African Music in the Americas: Brazil and the United States 13
POLI 209Government and Politics of South America3
POLI 210Government & Politics of Mexico & the Caribbean3
WGST 380Internship in Women's and Gender Studies3
WGST 405US Latina Feminisms3
Total Credits18

 This course can also be used to fulfill a General Education requirement.


LATI 211 Music of the Caribbean is cross-listed with MDT 211. If a LATI minor takes the course as MDT 211, it will count as LATI 211.