Mathematics, B.A.

Completion of this major prepares one for a career as a statistician, actuarial assistant, mathematics teacher, research assistant, or analyst. Continued study may include a master’s degree in mathematics education, mathematics, computer science, environmental science, business administration, or other related fields.

The requirements for admission to this degree track are a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.0 and a minimum grade of C in MATH 192 or its equivalent. Accepted majors must maintain a minimum CGPA of 2.0 for all mathematics courses counted toward the major. No grade below a C in MATH 192MATH 193, and MATH 295 and at most three grades of C- in the other required math courses (MATH 260MATH 292MATH 311MATH 330, and MATH 370 ) will be counted towards the major. In addition, no grade of D in required math courses will be counted toward the major requirements. 

Various discipline-specific concentrations that will prepare students for multiple fields of employment or areas of additional undergraduate/graduate study are noted below. Course requirements for each concentration are explained in detail. The requirements for graduation, in addition to completion of the major area, are listed on "Undergraduate Degree Requirements."

MATH 192Calculus and Analytic Geometry I4
MATH 193Calculus and Analytic Geometry II4
MATH 260Linear Algebra3
MATH 292Calculus & Analytical Geometry III4
MATH 295Survey of Modern Mathematics3
MATH 311Differential Equations for Engineers4
MATH 330Mathematical Statistics I3
MATH 370Abstract Algebra3
Math Electives - 9 credits 1
All 9 credits must be selected from Mathematics courses numbered 300 or higher. See below.9
MATH 307Finite Mathematics I3
MATH 320Modern Geometry I3
MATH 321Modern Geometry II3
MATH 331Mathematical Statistics II3
MATH 350Elements of Numerical Analysis3
MATH 371Abstract Algebra II3
MATH 380Real Analysis3
MATH 385Reading in Mathematics3
MATH 407Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools3
MATH 410History of Mathematics3
MATH 430Topology3
MATH 440Number Theory3
MATH 445Complex Variables3
MATH 450Advanced Calculus I3
MATH 451Advanced Calculus II3
MATH 482Mathematics in Junior High School3
MATH 503Computers in Mathematics3
MATH 508Professionalized Subject Matter in Arithmetic3
MATH 510Professionalized Subject Matter in Algebra3
MATH 511Professionalized Subject Matter in Middle School Mathematics3
MATH 512Professionalized Subject Matter in Geometry3
MATH 514Professionalized Subject Matter in Pre-Calculus Mathematics3
MATH 515Math Manipulatives I3
MATH 516Mathematics Manipulative II3
MATH 517Calculators in the K-8 Classroom3
MATH 518Calculators in the Secondary Classroom3
MATH 526Algorithmic Number Theory3
MATH 531Numerical Analysis3
MATH 536Mathematical Modeling3
MATH 540Graph Theory3
MATH 598Mathematical Principles of Computer Graphics3
Other required courses
MATH 140Statistics I (prerequisite for Math 330)3

Undergraduates with a minimum of 85 earned credits that includes 24 math core credits including MATH 192, MATH 193, and MATH 292, and a minimum CGPA of 3.0 may take 5XX-level electives with the permission of the department chair. No more than two 5XX-level courses may be counted toward the Mathematics major.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Mathematics BA program, students will be able to:

  1. Solve routine problems in the core mathematics courses required for the major.
  2. Think critically and reason logically, as exhibited by the production of mathematical proofs.
  3. Formulate mathematical models to solve real-world problems.
  4. Use appropriate technology to solve mathematical problems.
  5. Effectively communicate technical information orally and in writing.