Media Arts, B.A.

Completion of this major prepares one for a career as a production assistant, research assistant, script advisor, or post-production assistant. Continued study may include a master’s and/or doctoral degree in media studies or a master of fine arts degree in production or film studies.

Students are accepted in the Media Arts major only after review by the department, and they must have achieved a minimum grade point average of 2.5 to apply for admission. Majors must maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 to graduate with a degree in Media Arts.

Various discipline-specific concentrations that will prepare students for multiple fields of employment or areas of additional undergraduate/graduate study are noted below. Course requirements for each concentration are explained in detail. The requirements for graduation, in addition to completion of the major area, are listed on "Undergraduate Degree Requirements."

Required Courses
MEDI 102Development of Film I3
MEDI 103Development of Film II3
MEDI 110Foundations of Media Design3
MEDI 204Media in American Society 13
MEDI 205Digital Media I 23
MEDI 210Sound Production 33
MEDI 311Video Production I3
MEDI 312Film Production I3
MEDI 330Media Writing3
or MEDI 331 Screenwriting
MEDI 402Film Aesthetics3
MEDI 422Multi-Media Production3
Co-Op Internship 4-6 Credits (must have completed MEDI 110, 210, 311 & 312, and have a GPA of at least 2.54-6
Restricted Electives: 18 credits are required, with a minimum of 12 credits in production courses:18
MEDI 230Photography I3
MEDI 250The Future of Media3
MEDI 310MultipleTrack Music Production3
MEDI 320Radio Production3
MEDI 330Media Writing3
MEDI 331Screenwriting3
MEDI 333Film Production II3
MEDI 408Basic Interactive Media3
MEDI 409Advanced Interactive Media3
MEDI 410Video Field Production3
MEDI 411Advanced Video Production3
MEDI 412Film Directing3
MEDI 413Television Production Workshop3
MEDI 414Film Post Production3
MEDI 415Film/Computer Animation3
MEDI 416Film/Television Lighting3
MEDI 417Advanced Cinematography: Film Practicum3
MEDI 419Digital Media II3
MEDI 423Sound Post-Production3
MEDI 424Post-Production Techniques in Video3
MEDI 430Honors I3
MEDI 431Honors II3
MEDI 302Film Genre: French Film3
MEDI 303Film Genre: Alfred Hitchcock3
MEDI 304Cinema and Media Studies: Film Noir3
MEDI 306Film Genre: Western3
MEDI 307Cinema and Media Studies: Science Fiction3
MEDI 321Film Genre: The Musical3
MEDI 322Cinema and Media Studies: Horror3
MEDI 324Film Genre: Orson Welles3
MEDI 325Film Genre: Italian Film3
MEDI 326Cinema and Media Studies: Avant-Garde3
MEDI 327Cinema and Media Studies: Women in Film3
MEDI 328Film Genre:Latin-American Film3
MEDI 329Cinema and Media Studies: Documentary3
MEDI 335Cinema and Media Studies: Race/Ethnicity in Film3
MEDI 336Cinema and Media Studies: Contemporary European Film3
MEDI 338Film Genre: American Directors3
MEDI 339Film Genre: Male Image in Film3
MEDI 343Film Genre: John Ford3
MEDI 346Film Genre: Contemporary Black3
MEDI 348Film Genre:Films of 80's-90's3
MEDI 349Film Genre:3
MEDI 350Film Genre: Film Music3
MEDI 351Cinema & Media Studies: Asian Film3
MEDI 418Human Conflict in Film3
MEDI 420Media Arts Seminar3
Total Media Credits: 51 Minimum51

Can be used simultaneously to fulfill general education requirement


Counts as Tier 2 Social and Historical Perspectives General Education


Counts as Tier 2 Scientific and Quantitative Inquiries General Education 


Counts as Tier 2 Creative Process and Production General Education 


Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Media Arts BA program, students will be able to:

  1. Identify basic rules of visuaI composition and sound design.
  2. Compare and contrast cinematic styles across film history.
  3. Employ skilled craftsmanship in the making of their own media production.
  4. Experiment working in different stylistic and technical genres in media production.
  5. Analyze film and media with an understanding of changes in historical and cultural contexts.
  6. Develop a body of advanced media productions.
  7. Develop the writing skills necessary for integration in (and foundation for) media works.