Political Science
Karnoutsos Arts and Sciences Hall, Room 606
Tel: (201)200-3574
The Political Science Department provides a foundation in the discipline and its sub-fields through rigorous coursework that stresses active learning, cultural diversity and personal responsibility. Critical issues ranging from war and peace to climate change to poverty to healthcare to civil rights profoundly influence the lives we lead, and politics lies at the center of them all. Political Science is the study of politics and government; of the institutions, processes, systems, participants, policies and behaviors that comprise political life at the local, state, national, and international levels. To help make sense of all this, the discipline is divided into a host of related subfields, including American politics, international relations, comparative politics, political theory, and public policy.
We are committed to creating a dynamic learning experience for NJCU students. Our program introduces students to the main subfields of the discipline and prepares them to understand the complex issues facing our society today and to become better citizens and to be future leaders in their communities. The writing, reasoning and critical thinking skills central to our curriculum are essential tools for success in any career path, be it public service or corporate or nonprofit industries.
Our students go on to careers in education, law, government, international affairs and other related fields; or they continue their study in graduate or law school. We offer degree and non-degree programs to align with a variety of interests and career goals. Our pre-law and international studies minors complement a political science major, but will also add value to other major programs of study, particularly in the social sciences. Our faculty members have a range of research interests and specialties and are sought-after experts in the discipline.
The NJCU Political Science Department sponsors a chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the national Political Science Honor Society.
Francis Moran, Chairperson
Professor of Political Science
Dickinson College, B.A.; New York University, M.A., Ph.D.
Joseph Moskowitz
Professor of Political Science
Long Island University, B.A.; New York University, M.A., Ph.D.
Ning Liao
Associate Professor of Political Science
Xiamen University, B.A., M.A.; Old Dominion University, Ph.D.
Louise Stanton
Associate Professor of Political Science
Georgetown University, B.A.; Seton Hall, J.D.; Rutgers University, M.S., Ph.D.
Various discipline-specific concentrations that will prepare students for multiple fields of employment or areas of additional undergraduate/graduate study are noted below. Course requirements for each concentration are explained in detail. The requirements for graduation, in addition to completion of the major area, are listed on "Undergraduate Degree Requirements."
The Department allows offers the following:
Political Science (POLI)
POLI 1XX Political Science Transfer Credit (0 Credits)
POLI 2XX Political Science Transfer Credit (0 Credits)
POLI 102 United States Politics (3 Credits)
American government and politics unique? How does the world's foremost democracy really work? This introductory course imparts a basic understanding of the major institutions, participants and ideas animating American political life.
POLI 105 History of Political Thought (3 Credits)
Justice, democracy, equality, and liberty are just some of the key ideas and contentious issues that have animated political life from ancient Athens to the present. This course focuses on selected works from both classical and modern political philosophy and examines how these key ideas have been defined, discussed and implemented.
POLI 107 Introduction to Public Administration (3 Credits)
Public Administration involves policy development and implementation, and the relation between various political actors and the administrative bureaucracy. This course introduces students to basic features of the public sector bureaucracy, the policy cycle, leadership style, management, and accountability.
POLI 109 Comparative Politics (3 Credits)
This is a study of major political systems in today's world with special emphasis on modernization and development problems.
POLI 110 Introduction to World Politics (3 Credits)
Discussion topics include the motivations and strategies of major powers, and an examination of the international political system, the balancing process and the adjustment of interstate conflicts. The nature and ingredients of power are analyzed as they affect the international system.
POLI 120 Global Challenges (3 Credits)
This survey course is designed to expose students to the leading global issues confronted by the "global village." It provides students with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and service learning opportunities to explore solutions to global challenges that will shape our world in the next 25-30 years.
POLI 130 Debating Current Controversies (3 Credits)
Debating Current Controversies teaches the formats and techniques of debate and simultaneously introduces students to rhetoric and argumentation. Policy, Lincoln-Douglas and parliamentary debate formats are introduced. Students also analyze contemporary public policy questions and participate in several debates.
POLI 201 Political Parties and Elections (3 Credits)
This course analyzes the American party system, its evolution and development, as well as the principle roles it fulfills in the American political system.
Pre-Requisite: POLI 102
POLI 202 State and Local Government (3 Credits)
This course explores the role of state and local governments in the American federal system. It examines the constitutional and historical relationship between the national government and the states, and the ways in which this dynamic relationship shapes American political life.
Pre-Requisite(s): POLI 102
POLI 204 Media and Politics (3 Credits)
This course analyzes the role of the mass media in the formation of public opinion and its use by both the public and political leaders in the policy making process. The course emphasizes on inter-relationships among the public opinion leaders, the masses, and the media.
Pre-Requisite(s): POLI 102
POLI 208 Research Methods in the Political and Social Sciences (3 Credits)
Research Methods introduces students to the research techniques used to conduct empirical studies in the political and social sciences. Students learn how to analyze empirical studies, prepare literature review, develop research hypotheses, develop a research design, operational concepts, use data bases and collect data, and interpret basic statistics.
POLI 209 Government and Politics of South America (3 Credits)
This is an introduction to the government and politics of the countries of South America. Characteristic themes include power contenders, revolt and revolution, democratization and economic development..
Pre-Requisite(s): POLI 109
POLI 210 Government & Politics of Mexico & the Caribbean (3 Credits)
The focus of this study is the nations of the Caribbean Basin, with emphasis on Mexico and the Spanish-speaking islands (Cuba, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico). Central America is also considered; with emphasis on the long-range implications for U.S. policy.
Pre-Requisite(s): POLI 109
POLI 212 Introduction to Public Policy Analysis (3 Credits)
Current public policy issues, policy makers, the policy environment, the policy process and theories of policy analysis are studied through case studies and alternative analytical models. Students undertake community engagement assignments by preparing policy memoranda.
POLI 213 Urban Politics (3 Credits)
This course explores power in the city, focusing on the formal institutions of urban government as well as the informal power sources that influence and shape government policy and life in the city.
Pre-Requisite(s): POLI 102
POLI 215 Women and Law (3 Credits)
Using court cases, this course examines current developments in American law regarding women's status and rights in the areas of employment, marriage and family, reproduction, sexuality, and education.
Pre-Requisite(s): POLI 102
POLI 216 Government and Business in United States (3 Credits)
This course examines the structure and process of business-government relations in the United States and the attitudes, which have affected their behavior toward one another. It also details how and why attitudes and policies are changing and the increasing interdependency of the private and public sectors in the American political system.
Pre-Requisite(s): POLI 102
POLI 217 Globalization & Governance (3 Credits)
Globalization, citizenship, and governance are the central ideas explored in this course. Students are introduced to globalization and the consequences for governance. By examining citizenship, students explore their role and place in the global community. The central ideas are viewed in the context of political science, history, and geography.
POLI 221 Politics of Africa (3 Credits)
This course offers an introduction to the politics and government of Africa in contemporary international affairs. The course outlines the shifting dynamics of politics and governance in Africa from the ancient kingdoms, to the post-cold war and modern era of globalization.
POLI 222 Politics of Western Europe (3 Credits)
This course discusses the political and economic development of Western countries (France, Germany UK) and the role of Western Europe in the evolving international political environment.
Pre-Requisite(s): POLI 109 or POLi 110
POLI 223 Government and Politics of Asia (3 Credits)
This course explores leadership, government, and politics in Indonesia, Japan, India, China, Burma and Southeast Asia, the geopolitical relations among these countries, and the role of these countries in international politics.
POLI 224 Comparative Politics of the Middle East (3 Credits)
This course is a theoretical, historical, and institutional survey of the different political systems in the Middle East today. A general overview of the tools of comparative political analysis will be provided so that students will have a framework for which to examine these countries and gain a better understanding of the complex political situation in the contemporary Middle East.
Pre-Requisite(s): POLI 109
POLI 226 Comparative Politics of Russia and Eurasia (3 Credits)
This course examines the institutions, policies, issues, and relations among and between Russia and the surrounding countries; as well as the role and impact of these countries as a whole and the dynamics of their internal relations on global politics.
Prerequisite: POLI 109
POLI 228 President and Congress (3 Credits)
This course focuses on the making of national policy by the President and Congress, with special attention to the Constitutional framework in which they interact as well as the practical political environment which shapes the policymaking process.
Pre-Requisite(s): POLI 102
POLI 230 Business & Politics by the Numbers (3 Credits)
Course studies the relationship between business and politics in the US by using, interpreting and applying data. Topics include corporate power, government relations, interest groups and associations, public opinion, lobbying, and campaign activities.
POLI 250 International Political Economy (3 Credits)
This course provides an introduction to the interplay of politics and economics in the international and domestic arenas. Within the general historical and theoretical frameworks that guide the study of international political economy (IPE), it examines the interaction of states, markets, and social forces across various issue areas of IPE.
POLI 305 CyberPolitics (3 Credits)
This course explores the Internet's impact on politics and government in the United States and around the world. Online political campaigns, cyber-participation, electronic interest group and party activities, and governmental operations will be examined through the analysis of web pages, studies of online activities and participation in online class sessions.
POLI 306 Constitutional Law (3 Credits)
This course examines the U. S. federal constitution and its organization and functions with emphasis on major judicial theories and the role of the Supreme Court using court cases.
Pre-Requisite(s): POLI 102
POLI 307 International Law (3 Credits)
This is an overview of the development of international law, the institutions involved in international law, and landmark cases. It examines the role of the United Nations and the extent to which international law helps to guide and constrain behavior among the nations of the world.
Pre-requisite: POLI 110
POLI 310 Global Issues of Urgency (3 Credits)
This course uses a thematic/topical approach to study the ways in which the international community has responded to particular set of crises, the advantages of the obstacles to cooperation, and the prospects for success.
Pre-requisite: POLI 110
POLI 311 Judicial Process (3 Credits)
This course analyzes the structure and functions of the American judicial system with an emphasis on how courts work, how judges deride cases and the political effects of judicial decision making.
Pre-Requisite(s): POLI 102
POLI 313 Civil Liberties in the United States (3 Credits)
This study analyzes the amendments to the federal constitution as they relate to the development of civil liberties in American society with an emphasis on the first, tenth and fourteenth amendments.
Pre-requisite: POLI 102
POLI 320 Campaign 2024 (3 Credits)
This course involves in-depth analysis of elections in a current electoral cycle. It examines the participants (candidates, parties, interest groups, and media) and strategies (electoral, promotional, and advertising) involved in a specific campaign.
Pre-Requisite(s): POLI 102
POLI 322 Advanced Studies in European Politics (3 Credits)
This course examines the regional politics of European governments including the European Union, the integration of Eastern and Western Europe, and NATO.
Pre-Requisite(s): POLI 109 or POLI 110: POLI 222 or POLI 226 recommended
POLI 324 International Relations in the Middle East (3 Credits)
This course examines the complex web of relations between and among the nations in the Middle East as well as other nation with interests in the region.
POLI 327 UN and World Affairs (3 Credits)
The role of the United Nations, regional, and international organizations in the contemporary world is the focus of this course. The history and usefulness of these organizations in the settlement of international conflicts and the functions of international law are also examined in light of the struggle for peace, justice and security.
Pre-Requisite(s): POLI 110
POLI 331 U.S. Foreign Policy (3 Credits)
Decision processes and contents of contemporary U.S. foreign and defense policies, emphasizing major participants, underlying traditions, and principal concepts are discussed. Past policies and current events are used to illustrate the decision process.
POLI 334 Issues of War & Peace (3 Credits)
This is an interdisciplinary study of possible approaches to permanent peace and an examination of the causes of war. Case studies are undertaken wherever appropriate.
POLI 341 Political Science Fiction (3 Credits)
This course draws on works in classic and contemporary science fiction to develop political ideas and bring political ideas to reading and analyzing these works.
Pre-Requisite(s): POLI 105
POLI 346 Public Personnel Systems (3 Credits)
This course examines the organization and management of public sector human resources, including reforms and comparisons/contrasts with private sector human resource systems.
Pre-Requisite(s): POLI 212
POLI 354 Politics Through Film (3 Credits)
This course focuses on politics through the lens of classic and contemporary cinema. It emphasizes the portrayal of politics in feature films and the impact of film in shaping public opinion and perceptions on political issues, actors, and institution.
Pre-Requisite(s): POLI 102
POLI 398 Capstone Seminar of Global Studies (3 Credits)
In this seminar, students integrate and apply the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of global studies as they explore a thematic topic own choosing. Through their research, students will enhance analytical, writing and presentation skills, and develop global empathy by engaging in civic activities directed at solving global challenges.
Prerequisites: POLI 110
POLI 440 United Nation Workshop (3 Credits)
This course is built around the annual National Model United Nations simulation exercise held in New York City. Students research and write position papers related to specific United Nations committee topics and the country being represented, draft resolution, make speeches, and work to build coalition at the simulation.
Pre-Requisite(s): POLI 327
POLI 450 Seminar in American Government (3 Credits)
This seminar offers an intensive study of issues related to American government. The course typically culminates in the creation and presentation of a research project related to the themes developed during the course.
Pre-requisite: POLI 102 or permission of instructor
POLI 452 Seminar in International Relations (3 Credits)
This seminar focuses on the study of International politics. The course typically culminates in the creation and presentation of a research project related to the themes developed during the course.
Pre-requisite: POLI 110
POLI 453 Seminar in Urban Politics (3 Credits)
This seminar provides close study of issues related to historic and contemporary urban life. The course typically culminates in the creation and presentation of research project related to the themes developed during the course.
Pre-requisite: POLI 102 or permission of instructor
POLI 494 Seminar in Political Theory (3 Credits)
This seminar offers an intensive study of selected topics related in political theory, democracy, equality, American political thought, etc. The course typically culminates in the creation and presentation of a research project related to the themes developed during the course.
Pre-requisite: POLI 105
POLI 496 Legal Research (3 Credits)
This workshop is for pre-law students and introduces skills needed for law school and legal work, such as: briefing cases, using legal sources and documents and writing memoranda.
Pre-Requisite(s): POLI 102 or permission of instructor
POLI 497 Legal Internship Pre-Law (3 Credits)
Working in conjunction with the Office of Academic Career Planning and Placement , students are placed in an internship in a law office.
Pre-Requisite(s): Permission of instructor
POLI 498 Internship in Policy and Admin (3 Credits)
Working in conjunction with the Office of Academic Career Planning and Placement , students are placed in an internship in a law office.
Pre-Requisite(s): Permission of Instructor
POLI 499 Legal Writing (3 Credits)
Students learn research and writing methods specific to the legal process, including applying the law to real and hypothetical situations. Students develop legal reasoning skills by analyzing legislation, debating legal issues, and assessing case law. Students organize and formulate two types of legal writings: a motion and a memorandum.
Pre-requisite: POLI 496
POLI 1499 Independent Study Political Science (1 Credit)
POLI 2499 Independent Study Political Science (2 Credits)
POLI 3499 Independent Study Political Science (3 Credits)